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Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

Anything that supports MJPEG. If you go to the app and where you would add a cam. You can scroll thru a list of presets with known working compatible cameras.
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Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)


thank you
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Roku Guru

Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

Here is an announcement about the upcoming (very soon) features: h.264 rtsp with audio support and ONVIF: ... 97#p571497
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Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

I'm having no luck. I am using an IP encoder (FMUSER FBE-200). My url for the video is and is on my local network. I have a IP Camera viewer on my phone and can view the video with no problem. I can not get it to view in this app.    II have noticed that when I enter /main for the MJPEG link the app places a ? automatically.  Could that be the problem?

Camera IP:
Port: 80
Login: blank 
Password: blank
MJPEG Link:  /main?
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Roku Guru

Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

"jfam5128" wrote:
I'm having no luck. I am using an IP encoder (FMUSER FBE-200). My url for the video is and is on my local network. I have a IP Camera viewer on my phone and can view the video with no problem. I can not get it to view in this app.    II have noticed that when I enter /main for the MJPEG link the app places a ? automatically.  Could that be the problem?

Camera IP:
Port: 80
Login: blank 
Password: blank
MJPEG Link:  /main?

Are you sure is the address for mjpeg? From what I found on the internet the FMUSER FBE-200 only supports H.264 stream, not mjpeg. 
IP Camera Viewer Pro version 2.7 supports h.264 stream, but you will need extra hardware, here are the details:
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Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

A late addition to this thread. Linux Distro developer here. Brand new to Roku, I've had it about 3-weeks now. The new Roku Express. I've a working Raspberry Pi 3 with Kodi and comparing that to the Roku I'm beginning to find some video formats that are not compatible with the Roku but fine on the Pi. This using the Roku media player with content from my dlna server on the LAN. It's all very preliminary here. For the most part the Express is very useful and lots of fun. I think maybe, just maybe, the Pi is a little "quicker" and able to handle higher data rate videos.
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Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

I too have IP3M-956E cameras.  I have been unsuccessful getting them to work with either basic or pro.

I'm running:
Software Version2.400.0002.15.R, Build Date: 2017-04-26
WEB Version3.2.1.422026
ONVIF Version2.42

According to the latest API document

This should work
but it does not.

I'm using the AMCREST setting and nothing.
I was able to get the snapshot to work, but only if I put user:pass@IPADDRESS in the ip address field.

From what I can tell, using chrome developer tools, the mjpeg stream now will only accept "digest authentication" for the mjpeg stream.
Does anyone else have the same version of firmware I am running and do you have MJPEG stream working with PRO?

I was able to get a stream working using the advanced configuration Ioan put in using Rasberry Pi as intermediary.  I didn't have a PI handy but I had an ubuntu 16.04 server I was able to use and build a successful advanced app on.  This works well in speaking with Ioan on support, only mjpeg and jpeg are supported for "split screen" and I'd like to get those working  but have the RTSP high def available for direct viewing.

Look forward to any suggestions on MJPG stream / authentication issues with AMCREST IP3M-956e cameras

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Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

I was wondering if it is possible to make the IP Camera View Pro accept a URL for an HLS stream instead of only requiring the use of the Raspberry PI solution. I'm using Shinobi and it is capable of producing an HLS stream from just about any camera. Would be great if I could stream that to my Roku. 
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Roku Guru

Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

"skidank" wrote:
I was wondering if it is possible to make the IP Camera View Pro accept a URL for an HLS stream instead of only requiring the use of the Raspberry PI solution. I'm using Shinobi and it is capable of producing an HLS stream from just about any camera. Would be great if I could stream that to my Roku. 

Right now is not possible, but it's a great idea. I'll implement that option in a future (next?) version.
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Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

"ioan" wrote:
"skidank" wrote:
I was wondering if it is possible to make the IP Camera View Pro accept a URL for an HLS stream instead of only requiring the use of the Raspberry PI solution. I'm using Shinobi and it is capable of producing an HLS stream from just about any camera. Would be great if I could stream that to my Roku. 

Right now is not possible, but it's a great idea. I'll implement that option in a future (next?) version.

That would be great, thanks!
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