I’m trying to watch Drive My Car on the HBO Max app on Roku TV and the captions turn themselves off about 30 mins in. I’ve tried turning the captions on and off, deleting and reinstalling the HBO Max app, and turning captions off and on with the HBO Max phone app. When I rewind the movie I can see the earlier subtitles, but they disappear about 30 mins in. There is a thread on Reddit about this but no solutions.
This appears to only be a problem on certain shows/movies/platforms. I circumvented the issue by casting from my phone to my Roku tv. I wish there was a better support system for roku/HBO problems.
I watched HBO Max on my Ultra 4800 yesterday, and the captions were just fine. Might have been an HBO issue.
Streamer 317, the subtitle settings are still on, they just stop showing up 30 mins in. I’ve read these.
Dan, I think it may depend on which movie or show you’re watching too. Some shows are fine.
This happened to me, restarted the app and then deleted and reinstalled it but the problem still persisted. It wasn’t until I just rewinded back to the part I remember that I left off at the night before and where I knew the subtitles were working and just played it from there. Once the new scenes came up, the subtitles began to appear.
@Krit19 wrote:It wasn’t until I just rewinded back to the part I remember that I left off at the night before and where I knew the subtitles were working and just played it from there. Once the new scenes came up, the subtitles began to appear.
This resolved the issue for me as well.
Do you see what I see on the next two comments. lol I’m confused…@Paul-E
In my case, not a single show I watch on HBO Max on my ROKU platform have captions/subtitles show up at all. But they do show up fine on HBO Max my Macbook Pro. All other streaming services on my ROKU also have captions working perfectly.
HBO Max's "fix" doesn't solve the problem at all. I can toggle the subtitles on and off all day, and zero difference. It's frustrating. Actors mumble (I'm one, so this I know).