The movie Deadfall is in English, but only has Spanish subtitles available. Pretty annoying, because I always watch with subtitles, and every other movie/show has English subtitles like I set it up. I even went to change the subtitle language in the chat bubble, but the only choice is Spanish.
On which channel are you viewing Deadfall?
The Roku Channel
I confirm that Deadfall on The Roku Channel has only one CC channel available, and that is Spanish. This likely can only be changed by whatever source Roku is using for this film. In the meanwhile, all you can do is turn off the display of captions while watching this film.
Paging Roku employees @RokuDanny-R, @RokuKariza-D, & @RokuMary-F and any other moderators so they can pass this issue on to proper people.
Thank you! I was driving myself crazy trying to figure out what I was doing "wrong."