Hi @Cwwr,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
We understand that you're having issues streaming Fox News. Could you tell us what error message are you seeing? When did the issue start, and what steps have you taken so far?
Kindly keep us posted.
All the best,
Hi @Cwwr,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
We understand that you're having issues streaming Fox News. Could you tell us what error message are you seeing? When did the issue start, and what steps have you taken so far?
Kindly keep us posted.
All the best,
Following these steps I was able to get Fox News playing on my HiSense Roku TV
1) Turn Off, then Unplug TV from wall outlet and wait over a minute, 70 seconds
2) Remove Fox News Channel App via the Remote
3) Log-In online to Roku Account and Add Channel, Validate from E-Mail Roku Sends
4) Navigate to the Fox News App via the Remote, check for any updates then accept the T's&C's and watch
These steps worked where previously loading was stuck at 13% and would not load. Hope this helps.
Its awful... I suppose a Firestick is in order.
There is another thread on this. It is not deliberate Roku interference. It is a bug in the Fox News app and/or the Fox News servers. Fox News is the app developer, not Roku.
Your assessment that this is not intentional by ROKU would have much more credibility if you added that our engineers are reaching out to Fox to get this fix and we'll keep doing so because we value our Roku customers. Instead we get a variation of "It's not us look behind the tree."
When you sold ROKU tvs you didn't put on the box -- Great for your home unless the Fox servers go down!
Instead of telling us to contact Fox, get your honchos higher up to reach out to Fox and get this resolved.
I am not a Roku employee or representative. Roku reps have purple is's with names like Rokuxxxx. I am just a longtime user. I really don't know what level of influence Roku can have on a developer. Realistically, the number of users of the app are rather tiny compared to most other services. They just tend to be more vocal.