I received the error message. 'You have already subscribed to Acorn TV via Roku. Please use the credentials you used when you subscribed to Sign In. 2500-000000-607'. I'm using the same Acorn TV standalone app and I'm signed in through the same email address. I received an email from Roku confirming my subscription. When I try to stream a show, I get this error message. I've never had this problem before.
I’m having the same problem and error code.
My Acorn TV app seems to be ok now. What I tried was to sign out from the Acorn TV standalone app. When I went back into the app, I used the signup option instead of the sign in option. When I entered my email address during the signup process and clicked next, instead of the app completing the signup process it went directly into one of the shows I had previously tried to stream. I'm now able to stream on the Acorn TV app now. Hope this helps.
I had this same problem. Your solution worked for me! It was like magic!
I get this error for any Acorn show using the Acorn app:
You have already subscribed to Acorn TV via Roku. Please use the credentials you used when you subscribed to Sign in. 2500-000000-607.
When I try to watch an Acorn show from the Roku channel it asks me to start a 7 day free trial.
That worked for me. I restarted the Acorn channel, then picked subscribe.
I am having the exact same problem with the same error message. I had previously subscribed directly on the Acorn website (years ago). This time I opened the Acorn channel on Roku. There is no selection to sign up but when you try to watch a show, you are asked for your Roku username and password. After entering that, you are signed up with Roku (and billed) but you can't watch any shows.
I get no help with Acorn. I want to cancel my Roku subscription to Acorn so I can subscribe directly with Acorn and I don't want to wait a month. How do I immediately cancel my Roku subscription?
I emailed Roku and they helped:
Acorn customer service fixed the problem. They gave me a phone # to call Roku so I could cancel their billing and reset my Acorn password so I could subscribe directly through them. Prompt customer service.
This issue is still happening - I cannot access Acorn TV - getting same error message. Unable to get round it