Hello, I bought my camera 02/29/2024 and its begun randomly moving on it's own.
Hello, I very recently bought a doorbell camera and the 360 camera. For about 3 days now the 360 camera has been moving on its own with all monitoring options turned off. It's gotten so bad i feel uncomfortable using it in home. I bought it to use as a baby monitor of sorts, but now fear to use it as it moves on it's own while people are around or talking (Again all monitoring setting have been turned off)
A warm welcome here in the Roku Community, @BBL!
We appreciate you for letting us know about your concern and we'd be more than happy to further assist you with this.
Please be aware that your camera moves because a movement or sound has been detected. Kindly disable this through the Smart Home app and let us know if your camera is still moving otherwise as we'd be more than happy to include your device in the investigation.
With this being said, provide us with the following details as requested above.
We'll be looking forward to your response and we hope this clears everything out.
Best regards,
All motion or sound decetion is turned off. I turned all of those off when i set it up.
Thank you for letting us know, @BBL!
In this case, we'd be more than happy to include your Roku Smart Home Indoor Camera 360 device in the process of investigation. With this being said, kindly provide us with the following details below:
We'll be looking forward to your response.
Best regards,
This is happening to everyone. The camera is off. I have 6 of them. I only use one while away for short time and all when longer. So, they are off and yet they move on their own. It’s a problem with the new update, This needs a Hot Fix.
This is happening to my 360 camera as well. I also noticed that my indoor cameras and my Roku floodlight are randomly resetting. So this is definitely a Roku issue. Everything is going haywire in the past week. I’ve had these devices for over a year and all of these issues are new and sudden. I may finally give up on all of these Roku smart home devices. I don’t have time to troubleshoot all of this. Roku please get your act together.
indoor camera 360
Log id: 112110
My camera has started doing this too about a week ago. It's very creepy especially seeing that many others are complaining about it. Has your service been compromised? All tracking features are disabled along with tracking. Pan scan is also disabled yet it still pans.. The camera will pan all the way to the right then pan back left. I'm going to enable two factor and will check back on this thread tomorrow.
Device Indoor Camera 360
Mac 7C67AB26BAA6
No logs
Indoor 360 SE. Unable to get the mac address, no log, because I just got it today. Connected it with app once, but connection failed several times. It was no longer added in the app. But still plugged in, just got home, and saw it move with blue light on towards me, then face wall again. I tried making noise, and moving in the background but it hasn't moved since. That's weird. I just unplugged it and put it back in the box. Hopefully this is resolved before I return it to the store. Edit: xfinity