I am tired of ROKU and the lack of concern for the multitude of problems with the outdoor cameras. My security system is 50% ineffective, because cameras CONSTANTLY stop picking up motion or sending notifications.
You need to put a remote "restart" option in the base. If I unplug the outdoor camera base for at least 60 seconds and plug it back in the cameras work fine, but after 1 day up to 4 days they just stop picking up motion or sending notifications again. At any point before or after that I can access the cameras from home or away, but there is no recording or notification.
I have good connections and again, can access the cameras without issue from home or remote locations (work, travel, etc). As soon as I unplug the base again, cameras work as expected for a day or two or three. If I am not at home / traveling I will have no coverage until I get back home undo the unplug / wait routine. - unacceptable.
I am not going to constantly reinstall software, or apps or remove the cameras and reinstall, since that and the other suggestions here don't solve the problem.
Someone from ROKU needs to step up, stop the endless pat reponses and do something. I paid good money and expect good service.