Hello @Raerae8907,
Welcome to the Roku Community!
Thank you for reporting this issue to our attention about your Roku Video Doorbell not sending you notifications and not saving event recordings. No worries, we would be more than willing to assist.
We recommend you try the following troubleshooting steps below.
- Uninstall the Roku Smart Home app.
- Check if there is a live feed on the cameras.
- Restart your camera:
- Loosen the security screw at the bottom of the doorbell
- Remove the backplate of your doorbell by sliding it down and then pulling it away
- Press the Power button to turn the doorbell off
- Wait 10 seconds
- Press the Power button again to turn the doorbell on
![diagram showing the power button on the back of the wireless doorbell](https://cigars.roku.com/v1/https%3A%2F%2Fimage.roku.com%2Fc3VwcG9ydC1B%2FDoorbellPower-500x500.jpg)
Please let us know if these troubleshooting steps help you to resolve your issue. Please keep us posted.
Riamie D.
Roku Community Moderator