Long story short, my aunt passed away a year ago and her subscription is under my grandmother's bank account. We recently found that my grandmother has been paying for a year's worth of service that she doesn't have access to. We don't know any of the login information (email, password, etc.). We had the same issue with Netflix and they were able to provide condolences, resolve the issue AND provide us with a refund for the past month. Roku customer support was not helpful at all. No condolences, no regards to the situation, and they were asking for things we no longer have access to (email & valid ID). This agent abruptly left the chat TWICE. When they couldn't solve the issue, they left instead of directing us to a different agent or supervisor. I genuinely think they were surprised to get me again after they left the chat for the first time.
I requested for a transcript of the chat and did not receive, so I have screenshots for good measure.
Can someone please help me cancel this subscription and file a formal complaint? Thank you