Hi, @ConfusedAnnoyed.
Greetings from the Roku Community!
We understand that you're having an issue signing in to the app and want a refund. We're here to help.
If you’re having trouble signing in to an app or a subscription on your Roku device, start by determining what kind of subscription you have. The email and password you use to sign in to an app depend on how you sign up for a subscription or other paid content.
For the refund, you may contact our Account and Billing to further assist you. Visit the Roku Support page and select the "Account, payments & subscriptions" category. You'll have an option to call or chat with us.
Furthermore, you may visit this support article on how to sign in to apps on your Roku device
If there's anything else we can do to assist you, please let us know. We're always willing to help.
Reynan L.
Roku Community Moderator