I recently got a Samsung DU8000 & a Roku Streaming Stick 4K.
The 1st time that I tried to install the Roku software, it kept stalling. I tried several times to restart it. Each time that I restarted the install, it got a little further.
I don't have any problem accessing the internet with my new TV. My printer connects wirelessly to my computer with no problem.
According to the directions that came with the box, the TV needs to be set on the HDMI port into which the Roku is plugged. I didn't do that the 1st time. I turned on the TV & set it to the Roku port. I did a factory reset. Unlike the 1st attempt, I was able to install the software. I had minor problems. When the install was complete, Roku stated the some software wasn't downloaded so it redownloaded Netflix. I didn't have any problems navigating the Roku app. But when I tried to open an app, Roku stated that the app couldn't be downloaded because there was no internet connection. I don't understand why there was no problem with the internet while the software was downloading, but when I tried to open an app, the internet was disconnected. I reset the player. Roku scanned for wireless routers. I successfully entered the SSID & password several times. It started to connect but failed. It's almost as if the Roku doesn't like me & is being mean to me but I know that isn't the case.
The TV is mounted to the wall so it's hard to access the stick. I specifically ordered the stick with the amplifier because of the distance from the stick to the router. I even had the router unplugged & rebooted. It didn't help at all. The cable is also bunched up behind the TV. The instructions recommend not bunching up the cable. I wonder if replacing the ("amplifier"?) would help. I have a USB-A to USB-C cable. I can switch out the amplifier cable with the USB-A to USB-C cable & see if that helps.The router is 30 feet or more from the stick. The router is a few years old. The distance & the age of the router may be what's causing the problem.
I can't think of anything else to try. Can you?
First, you can't switch out the cable on a Streaming Stick model. (the cable contains a Long-Range Wireless Receiver/LRWR) that contains the wifi module needed for network connectivity and RF remote function.
If you had a Roku Streaming Player, rather than the Stick, then you can replace the cables because the wifi module is inside the player/unit and not the cable.
If you have a mobile hotspot available to you, try connecting to it instead of your router and see if the Roku device connects and streams successfully.
What is the model number of your router?
@MacNerd79cOften connectivity issues are related to channel congestion so if you have yet to use a network app, I'd recommend installing WiFi Analyzer for Android or something similar if you use an iPhone. Tap the app and check to see how many others use the same channel/band then log into the router and manually select a different one with less congestion. If you router is using 'auto' to select channels, its possible its picking the wrong ones which is quite common. Hope that helps
I just tried a system restart. it didn't work. The home page still shows "Not Connected". I don't understand why I didn't have WiFi problems when I did the factory reset but shortly after I did the factory reset, the stick wouldn't connect to the internet. I tried opening several apps & each time Roku told me that there's no connection to the internet. How can there be a connection to the internet during the factory reset but no connection right after the factory reset? Roku states that the signal is poor?
My TV doesn't have any WiFi problems. The router is maybe 30 feet from my TV. I'm sure that there's metal between the stick & the router. The router is probably several years old. It has both 5G & 4G. I've noticed that the TV switches back & forth between 4G & 5G. The TV is mounted to the wall & the cable is bunched up behind the TV. Maybe the cable bunch is causing interference. Could that be the problem?
The Verizon box keeps nagging us to replace it. We'll also replace the router.
I'm willing to buy myself a router. Why do the routers that I see on the Best Buy website have 4 or 6 antennas? Is it possible to set the output strength of my router, if I buy one? It'll be only a few feet from the TV. I wonder if the "amplifier" on the stick will overload the WiFi signal.
I ordered the stick from Best Buy in November 2024. I guess that the stick is still under warranty. I wonder if I got a defective stick.
I downloaded the WiFi Analyzer & installed it on my smartphone. Sometimes the 5G router shows up & sometimes the 4G router shows up. The app shows that the router has -86dBm. Isn't that bad?
If you are using the Verizon 5g Home Gateway, try disabling DFS in the router settings. Using DFS can cause some connection issues with streaming devices.
After making the change, restart both the router and your Roku device again and see if that helps stabilize the connection.