Old Roku Device Does Not Connect To Familiar Wi-Fi and Remote How Do I Get It To Work Without It
If your Roku device isn't connecting to Wi-Fi after disconnecting and reconnecting the power then you need a physical remote to even begin any kind of troubleshooting.
Yes, not having a remote is very limiting in a case like this! There are a few shots in the dark you could take. For example, if the old Roku is a 2.4GHz-only model, you could make sure your router is still broadcasting a 2.4GHz network and that that network is running in all modes: b/g/n. Some routers get automatic updates that default to turning 2.4GHz off entirely, or default to running off b mode, leaving g/n only.
Of course, some Rokus are so old that it may make more sense to buy an entirely new model. The four-digit model number of the Roku would allow you/us to determine whether it only supports 2.4GHz and/or whether it’s really ancient.