Hi @tzedekh,
We appreciate your patience regarding this matter. I understand that you are unable to unfollow content from the My Feed feature.
If you no longer wish to receive updates for a movie, TV show, actor, or director, you can unfollow the item from Roku Search. Use the instructions above to find the title, actor, or director and select Unfollow this.
There is another way to unfollow an item that is unique to movies. Simply find the movie listed in the My Feed list, open the details screen, and select Unfollow this.
After you unfollow a movie, TV show, actor, or director, all updates within My Feed will be removed and you will no longer receive new updates for that item.
For full information on this, you can take a look at this link: How do I follow my favorite shows using My Feed? | Official Roku Support
Let us know how it goes!
Kind regards,
I am having the same issue for two television series: Americans and Lost in Space. I can find no way to un-follow or remove these from My Feed. I have looked at every menu and restarted the device.
Thanks for the inquiry.
Have you followed the steps to unfollow a movie or show outlined in our Support page here: How do I follow my favorite shows using My Feed?
Please keep us posted!
Yes... without success.
If "unfollow" doesn't appear on your home screen's "my feed" list of shows, then go into the SEARCH feature of Roku, manually add each show you want to remove from your feed, and when the show appears on the SEARCH page, click on the show, then select "unfollow this TV show" from the SEARCH feature (will appear under the listing of seasons).
Roku engineers, you should be able to fix this, right? Because this is not at all user-friendly. Thanks!
I do not want to unfollow a show I simply want to remove the episode that I've watched from my feed.
Thank you @SMC123 for your solution. Worked perfect for me ...
It is easy to "unfollow." Do a SEARCH for the program title, go to the right a few clicks, and you should see an option at the right bottom to UNFOLLOW.