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Re: Photo Streams - remove QR code option

Second this! 

The QR code is an eyesore and completely unnecessary. I would guess the percentage of people who don't already know how to upload photos is tiny. 

Please either get rid of it or add a setting that allows the user to toggle it off. 

Channel Surfer

Re: Photo Streams - remove QR code option

What a great idea, photo streams. It would be useful to a lot more people if that ridiculous consensual QR code was removed. It's been 6 months or longer since first reported, it's not rocket science or deep sea exploration. Just delete the logo. Done.


Re: Photo Streams - remove QR code option

Please make this an option

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Photo Streams - remove QR code option

Hi @sachalex6,

Congrats on your first post here in the Roku Community!

We appreciate you for sharing this input, and we thank you for your feedback. Rest assured that we'll let the team know about this so they can review it.

Once again, we value your feedback and your satisfaction is essential to us.

All the best,

Takashi O.
Roku Community Moderator

Re: Photo Streams - remove QR code option

Posting in agreement with everyone here- there’s a lot of people on Reddit and these forms who would love the option to disable that QR code on the Photo Streams screensaver. 

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Photo Streams - remove QR code option

Hi @The_Dingos,

Greetings and welcome to the Roku Community!

We hear that you have the same idea as other Community users in this thread. As stated in the previous post, we'll share this information with the appropriate Roku team so they can review it and accord the convenience and feedback you've stated.

We really appreciate you for sharing this information with us.


Takashi O.
Roku Community Moderator

ROKU Photo Stream - remove QR code option

Your team has been "reviewing" the option of turning off the annoying QR image on ROKU Photo Stream.  So . . . what's going on? Is it not a simple code that any competent programmer can achieve in a few hours? I mean, there's a code that makes it randomly show, give us the option of turning it off.  It appears that you do not have the talent or desire to fix this horrible eye sore.  Please make this a priority.

Photo Stream is a wonderful, fun, easy to use program but . . . the QR code sucks.

Best Regards

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: ROKU Photo Stream - remove QR code option

Hi @Photos,

Sending our kindest regards from the Roku Community.

We would like to apologize for the experience you had with the QR code, and we appreciate your feedback regarding this. Please be advised that this information is on review with our team, and we'll find ways to make this feature more convenient for a better streaming experience.

Once again, we appreciate you for flagging this with us.

All the best,

Takashi O.
Roku Community Moderator

Re: ROKU Photo Stream - remove QR code option

Hi@RokuTakashi ,


I understand you are reviewing but please either removed it or add at least add an option to not display the qr code when the screen saver runs if the user wants that.

IMHO not solving this soon reflects very poorly on your company in terms of customers service.

Thank you



Re: Photo Streams - remove QR code option

This is what I want to do as well, but if random people can add pictures to my stream, I'll have to use a different option. 

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