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Remote improvement suggestion...

You have the four buttons on the bottom of a standard remote for Netflix, Disney+, AppleTV+ and HBOmax. I only use one of those buttons and it would be great to be able to reprogram them for apps that I use.

I'm sure those buttons are sponsored or some kind of deal where they have to have those names on them, but even with the name on them, just being able to reprogram them would be a great help.

Binge Watcher

Re: Remote improvement suggestion...

@TimH77   Hi TimH77...Not only a great suggestion, but after setting up my Streaming Stick I searched thru Settings hoping to find an Option to do exactly that.  So what I have are 4 buttons I will never use.   The Volume & Mute buttons could have been put in those spaces instead, leaving 1 space for something else useful.

FYI - I also have a post in Suggest A Feature requesting a Roku remote designed for Seniors and physically challenged individuals.   Seniors are drawn to Roku because trying to live on a fixed income requires cutting expenses like cable TV, satellite TV, etc. "A larger remote w/large letters & labeled buttons for Seniors & physically challenged".

I sincerely hope both our posts receive the attention & consideration they deserve...volleydrummer.

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Reel Rookie

Re: Remote improvement suggestion...

I got on here to make exactly this suggestion and ran across yours.  I have three different Roku remotes and all three have different pre-programmed buttons.  Unfortunately, I don't use any of the channels on any of those buttons, so they're a waste of space on the remotes for me.  I too think that Roku should simply make all four of these buttons user programmable.  At the very least they could sell a model that has four programmable buttons on it instead of preprogrammed ones.

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