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Lack of Parental Controls in 2023

Dear Roku,

To my surprise, I have discovered that your devices have almost zero parental control, and I find that to be completely unacceptable in this day and age. Being able to set a pin on the Roku channel app, an app that I have no idea what it is, nor have any interest in opening, is simply not enough control for the average parent in 2023.

As a parent who is concerned about limiting how much screen time my children have, as well as the kind of content, a complete lack of control for this seems mind boggling.

It should be relatively easy for a large company with ample development resources to add simple features, such as: device access time of day limits, total time allowed limits, add/remove channel limits, pins for the entire device and apps, a mobile app to remotely administer these settings, etc.

This has clearly been an intentional decision from the top. My guess is there is a contractual obligation to not disrupt access to partner apps. That’s just lazy and irresponsible. I’m half inclined to go purchase an Apple TV just for these features.

The crazy thing is I moved from AppleTv to Roku because it was at least a better overall user experience - this was before I needed parental controls.

Please consider adding these features in soon, and bring your features up to standard for the parents of the future. Stepping off my soapbox now, thanks.

Retired Moderator

Re: Lack of Parental Controls in 2023

Hi @lawngsincesauce,

Thanks for posting here in Roku Community. 

We understand your concern about having Parental Control on all channels on Roku devices. And we appreciate you sharing your idea with us. We have added your post to our 'Suggest a feature' section of the Community to share your thoughts and suggestion.

Who knows, you may see your suggestion implemented in a future update. You can check out our blog for the latest news and upcoming updates.

Thanks for your interest and we hope to expand with more features to provide our customers with the best streaming experience.



Re: Lack of Parental Controls in 2023

We shouldn't have to suggest a feature that was previously in the software. Add it back in.


Re: Lack of Parental Controls in 2023

Not having parental controls is absolutely absurd, especially after it was originally available. Bring it back asap please!

If you want families to use your product you'll need to provide parental controls. I can't believe Roku leadership needs to be told this. It's simply a necessity nowadays. You could probably be legally liable for giving adult content access to young children. What if a 4 year old pressed some buttons and accessed adult content due to your negligence? Or young children or teens? Parents have rights to choose the media in their home. I guess we have to choose to not have Roku OR to hide the remote from kids, like what parents used to do 30 years ago.  Unacceptable. Get with the times. Do better Roku.  

Requesting: parental controls to limit by rating, parental controls to limit app downloads, integration with vidangel or other similar platforms.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Lack of Parental Controls in 2023

Hi @tdrg,

Welcome to the Roku Community!

We will be more than happy to assist you with your concern. Please check out this support article on how to block content using parental controls.

If there's anything else that may assist you, please keep us posted.

Best regards,


Roku Community Moderator

Re: Lack of Parental Controls in 2023

I believe the OP and others who commented are clearly referring to the "LACK" of your current Parental Control options. When your child can view ALL the channel options, including PORN, that's clearly not an option. When your child can view ALL PG-13 and 14 channels, that is not an option. Many of us are trying to get away from Disney and Nickelodeon because of inappropriate content. There should be options to make everything except particular ratings and channels we the parents select, on or off The Roku Channel. Copied from the link you provided:  "The Roku Channel parental controls is a PIN-based playback control that applies only when you are streaming content on The Roku Channel." Even with this option, children can view everything I mentioned above.

People have commented here to "Bring Back" the parental controls that you had previously. Nowhere does anyone indicate that they are unaware of the ridiculous Parental Controls Roku currently has available. 

I purchased a separate Roku so that my son could freely have access to channels that are appropriate and okay with us. Much to my surprise, that's not an option and like others, I will be seeking alternative options.  


Re: Lack of Parental Controls in 2023

To be clear, Even with your so called parental controls turned on, Children can still scroll through the channels and read the listings on those channels, including Porn, or any other channel you do not want your child watching and see whatever images those channels may be showing. This is just one point of the several others I pointed out previously.


Re: Lack of Parental Controls in 2023 (&2024)

My two-cents and suggestions after reading the other linked comments:

If you had decent parental controls before, WHY did you remove them!?!?

Please implement a form of parental controls that allow me to choose apps to which to apply restrictions, viewing time limits, and content restriction within those apps. 

A tv-screen-free option for inputting my PIN that will not show the happy * and highlight the number on the numerical keypad on-screen. (My kids are bright, that lasted one access before they observed my input code. I now have to chase them out of the room to input my updated, secure PIN.) Many apps are going to biometrics protection, so perhaps implement that security measure via the Roku Mobile App.

As other users have mentioned: If a specific rating or content restriction has been implemented, please remove the affected content from viewing lists, including images and descriptions. Even though it can't be selected, it is too much in this Momma's mind for my kids to even be able to see it *was* a choice. 

Finally, a user specific option would be amazing. My older kids are more responsible and should have relaxed viewing restrictions. My younger two need a more restrictive selection. Having a PIN or pattern based sign-in or some other form of user choice that gives each kid (or age group) their own options would be handy. (Pehaps this is overkill or wishful thinking, but if I can choose who, when, and how long my kids can access their phones/devices via Google Family Link, it doesn't seem like too much to ask for my TV.)

Generally speaking I really enjoy my Roku 1 (2710 series) and the features of the Roku Mobile App. It is an inexpensive option that allows a range of viewing via the Roku app and other apps, and is perfect for my 1 TV household. I have recommended Roku to many people as an affordable alternative to other more costly TV, streaming, and Smart TV options.

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