Having trouble finding the Xfinity app on my Roku. Searched in Roku channel, searched in streaming store doubled checked with Xfinity that my device was compatible model 3820CA. Is there something that I’m missing
Did not see in the Roku Streaming Store or online Roku Channel Store, but it did show up when using the "Search" feature from the left side menu on the Home Screen on the device. (don't use Roku Channel search, just use the main Search from the menu).
thanks for your response but still not there, typing it in the bar gave no results, using the mic gave some but not the Xfinity app
Wondering then if maybe not directly available in Canada?
Might want to reach back out to Xfinity and see if actually available when using a Canadien device in Canada.
Since the Xfinity Stream app is not showing in either the US or Canadien online Roku Channel Stores, I can't tell if this is a glitch. (especially when it showed up only from a US-based device search).
Are you using Rogers Xfinity? I am assuming you are in Canada.
I can find Xfinity in the US store, but not in the Canadian store. But I looked on Rogers' website and could also find no mention of Roku. (Searching for Roku on their site returns links about watches.)
Here's a page about their streaming TV that lists Android, iOS, Fire TV, and computer browsers. So, I don't think they support Roku at this time.