Experiencing very same issue. Any other suggestions?
I have the same error.
I’m here to complain about the same thing. PBS was working fine yesterday (Saturday November 16), and now it keeps crashing, sending me back to my Home screen. Nothing I’ve tried has worked either.
Well, let's all keep the pressure on.....Roku needs to fix this PBS issue. Lots of users are having the problem and everyone appears to be trying the 'solutions' with no joy.
For us too. Same symptoms.
The same thing has happened to me. I can access Passport via my local PBS affiliate on my desktop, but have no idea why their app has stopped working on Roku.
Same problem
I am having the same problem. I have a roku streaming stick 3810X. The PBS app was working yesterday. But not today. I have gone through all of the steps of removing the app, doing the system restart, reinstalling the app. Several times. And it doesn’t work. But the PBS app works on my iPhone so it is running out there in the world somewhere.
any ideas?
Your solution sounded great, but did not work for me. I removed the app, turned the roku off, then the tv off, turned tv back in, roku on, re-installed PBS app and it still did not work. It comes on as if it's about to work (as it did before) then screen goes black. I am using the Roku on a Sony TV.