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Binge Watcher

Re: [OS 11.5] Roku 11.5 broke Play on Roku video playback

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Thank you so much!! We will be in touch, hopefully with a solution 🙏 

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Roku Guru

Re: [OS 11.5] Roku 11.5 broke Play on Roku video playback

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@lylejk we actually do have a Web Video Caster PC app however it is still under development and as far as the Roku channel goes, it probably has some bugs, and it might even warn you that it needs updating, you can just ignore that. Feel free to email us about any issues you encounter. 

You can find details here:

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Roku Guru

Re: [OS 11.5] Roku 11.5 broke Play on Roku video playback

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@DanoGL we would want an example of a video that buffers with our channel but doesn't buffer with the Play On Roku player. It might have to wait until Play On Roku works again of course. 


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Roku Guru

Re: [OS 11.5] Roku 11.5 broke Play on Roku video playback

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@RokuMary-F just to provide some extra info. What all these apps are using to send videos is a URL that starts with http://IP:8060/input/15985?t=v&videoformat=......... 

As far as I know this is what the official Roku app used to use to send videos from the phone to the Roku. And it is what SDKs like ConnectSDK use, for example you can see their code here

Hope that helps. 

Binge Watcher

Re: [OS 11.5] Roku 11.5 broke Play on Roku video playback

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@casolorz  @I've sent you a sample to your mail, "cuantascopastenesxd

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Streaming Star

Re: [OS 11.5] Roku 11.5 broke Play on Roku video playback

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Pretty big file (downloading it now).   Maybe it can be uploaded to the Microsoft Store once ready.   Will test it (sandboxed) soon and see how it works with my system.   Thanks for the link, casolorz.   🙂

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Streaming Star

Re: [OS 11.5] Roku 11.5 broke Play on Roku video playback

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OK; got the program to work (ignored the update message) and it does work.  Couldn't run the program via sandboxie (might just be settings within sandboxie I don't know) but works fine outside of sandboxie.   Looks pretty cool.  Takes a bit to load the video (doesn't play immediately like the legacy does), but does work.   At least I now have a work-a-round.  lol


Again, thanks for the link, casorlorz.

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Roku Guru

Re: [OS 11.5] Roku 11.5 broke Play on Roku video playback

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@lylejk glad you got it working. Feel free to contact me directly at or on reddit or pm over here, that way we don't annoy everyone else on this thread 🙂

Streaming Star

Re: [OS 11.5] Roku 11.5 broke Play on Roku video playback

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I'll email you in the future, but, as a side, still cannot play mp3 files (starts and goes back to the error page in this case).  Not sure why mp3 files cannot play streamed either in Roku media player or this channel;, if I browse for locale mp3 files withing the media player itself (haven't tried the new channel yet), it has no issue playing the file (still, under this scenario, have to be attached to PC).   Regardless, it works and that's all that matter to me.  Got it to work in sandboxie too I might at (couldn't install it sandboxed; had to install it regular but have to trust that it's fine).   Once installed, the launcher does run in sandboxie.  As a future side, if just the windows executable was an option, a 130MB file is much better than a 750MB file.   lol

Also, I suppose it's because of the error screen, but I cannot replay a file within the app itself (at least I've not figured how to do it yet), but can reply via the Windows app.    Just an observation.   🙂

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Streaming Star

Re: [OS 11.5] Roku 11.5 broke Play on Roku video playback

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Ignore my last comment.  I should have browsed down to download just the Window installer.   My own ignorance with Google drive since I never use it.   lol

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