Same here. Was working fine this morning, returned home turned on the TV and no liveTV. The only channels listed in the guide are Premium 2000's. Checked and an update was performed at 9:03 pm EST. What's up Roku?
Same thing here. Everything was running normal. Then the kids watch some Disney+ and all we see is the “premium” channels (2000+). Doing a rescan now to hopefully fix but I see above that it didn’t work for some folks.
Same problem.
It's on the site now as a known issue.
Samething is happening with my Roku. Will we hear from Roku when they are going to fix their mistake?
Thanx for the pro-tip! What happened to all the streaming channels though?
I'm having the same issue on 3 different TVs.
Exact same situation here. All was fine yesterday and earlier today. Went to Tubi for a bit and came back to Live TV and all the channels (except 2000 range) were gone. Just got a bar saying they were all ‘hidden’ which, of course, they’re not.
Update screw-up???
Very aggravating!
Watched a movie on tubi went to to love tv and no local channels
My Hisense Roku TV has lost its Live TV feature. It also seems that all of the channels that I had stored as my favorites are gone too. As of right now I’m running Software Version 11.5.0, Build 4312-94. Anyone else experience this type of blackout issue?