The Roku activation process does not allow your Roku device to be activated if a person has only a cable modem with no WiFi (only 1 active wired Ethernet port). The reason is that the Roku activation process works through an e-mail link and so the e-mail program will be required to be on the only active network port. Roku activation process also requires that the Roku be on an active network port at the time the activation "button" is clicked within the user's e-mail.
This may particularly be a problem with perhaps new users who haven't yet been out buying the high dollar network equipment.
An improvement suggestion for Roku:
Why create an obstacle to a person making use of their Roku device when that obstacle is created entirely by the device activation process?
The Roku device activation process may be easily improved if it were to give the option to the user to initiate a delay between the time the person clicks to activate their Roku device and the time that the packets are sent to the Roku device so that the device may confirm its activation.
People may miss whatever is on Live TV until they have a chance to provision the additional equipment needed (e.g. a router) to support Roku activation - which is frustrating.