The message you are trying to access is permanently deleted.
@chilejoy, that message has nothing to do with your Internet/Wi-Fi connection. The TV is telling you that it's not receiving any video/audio signal on its selected input. Are you certain you've selected the proper TV input? Is there any light on the Roku device? Do you have another TV you can try it on?
Thank you for replying, renojim.
No, only 1 TV.
There’s no light on the ROKU.
But as I mentioned, after the tech set up my wifi, I was able to connect the ROKU and I saw the ROKU options on the TV screen. Then while unpacking, we may have flicked the switch in the electrical board that covered the area where the TV is. Could that have caused this?
I just don’t know what to do!?
@chilejoy, it would help to know the model number written on the Roku device somewhere, but all devices have a light that should come on when you connect the power. If that's not happening, there's no way you're going to get anything to display on the TV. If your device uses a USB cable for power (as most current Roku devices do), try a different USB power adapter or a different outlet. If you're using the TV's USB port to power the device, try a USB power adapter/charger from a phone or tablet.
Thanks. I’m away for a couple of days but will check when I’m back and let you know. Much appreciated.
I’m hoping I won’t have to buy a new ROKU or a new TV.