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Retired Moderator

Re: Roku support useless


Hi there, 

Thanks for reaching out. I didn't see a private message from you with a follow up request. I will have our support team reach out to see what we can do to help. 




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Roku Guru

Re: Roku support useless

When Paramount first came out I subscribed to it for their free trial and was having trouble with it. I sent an email to Roku support, now every morning for the last 3 weeks I get an email from Roku saying that my support ticket has been updated and they tell me the same thing over and over again and what steps to go through. It's becoming more like spam, and Monday morning I asked them to stop giving me this email I don't have Paramount anymore and yet every morning I've still received an email saying my ticket has been updated. What kind of scam is this? I'm serious. I mean are they even reading our emails? Don't get me wrong I love my Roku and I love watching the Roku channel but I'm fed up with their support. I don't even respond to their emails anymore and they still send me an email every morning for the past 3 weeks. Enough is enough.

Binge Watcher

Re: Roku support useless

I agree. There is no way to actually "contact" them or get any actual support except for here in the "community." They want us to do their work for them. I haven't had access to my channels for two days now after trying everything I can think of myself, so now I have to wait for... who knows how long for someone here to answer my question... if they ever do... how do I even know if I should wait or just buy a new device? What if I spend the money on a new one and still have issues because its not the device itself its the latest upgrade or something? Can't even send them an email. 

Reel Rookie

Re: Roku support useless step for older working devices

Roku picks and choose which devices get support when things stop working. My Roku 3 gets updates that crashes apps that worked without problems. First it was legacy YouTube TV  that failed and returned at the same time Sling and PBS failed to load, suggested an SD card (no slot on the device) then went back to home screen. Uninstalled,  reinstalled and restarted only to have the same new problem. So I got to the support pages to find that Roku 3 does not appear as a device that allows a contact us option. So software upgrades for an unsupported device that crashes with updates. "Support"  contact us leads to FAQs not phone, email or chat resources or help for their introduced failures. The website that does not offe answers refers me to the Community where I find that I am the lucky one who only has one Roku device that needs to be replaced. Can they truly imagined that my next device will be another Roku? Do the advertisements for new products come with a warning that support has an expiration date determined by Roku? This is the microsoft model that arbitrarily cuts off support for older products. The difference is that they warn you that they will then stop updating their software at the point they end support. I was pleased with my Roku when it only had occasional hiccups fixed by a restart. The first round was frustrating but I got use to this quirk. This latest abandonment will push me to find one of the many other streaming options.

Reel Rookie

Re: Roku support useless for devices old and new

....and, Roku tech support (which doesn't even actually exist) is also useless, even for brand new Roku products that you have just purchased.  After many past years of happily using Roku products, I am now looking into better alternatives to Roku for streaming.

Reel Rookie

Re: Roku support useless--Roku has no respect for customers' time or money.

....and, it's also a pain in the rear to set-up a new Roku device, move the channels around to where you want them, log in to all of your streaming services, apply your settings, etc.  Having to do this every few months simply because Roku cannot build a good quality product that they will stand behind is ridiculous, and is a big rip-off.  My time is too valuable to be spending it all constantly setting up new Roku devices that are replacing ones that failed after only a few months--more or less.  (less, in my current case.)

Channel Surfer

Re: Roku support useless.................................................

What customer service?? Seriously! The worst tech/device/streaming company out there...and that's pretty bad considering how bad customer service is for all these tech companies. My Roku device just stopped working yesterday. Won't connect. Tried everything. There's no customer support provided for this device. Community forum is great, but no help in my case so far. I'm throwing the **bleep** thing away and going with a different option. You'd think Roku would get its act together considering there is ample competition. So far, all I see in this forum is MANY people dissatisfied with Roku...and only a couple die hard repeat support posters who seem to like Roku. They can have it.

0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Roku support useless - device upgrades

If you log in and go to, there will be personalized deals based on your registered and operational outdated devices.

0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Roku support useless.................................................

I just wanted to mention that @infodepository  got a detailed response from @AvsGunnar  about his problem in his other thread, soon after posting the complaint above.  Sometimes it does take awhile for the right person to come along, read a problem and type up a response but if you give us a little time, we might be able to help you solve it.

It looks like the problem is related to a firmware update to a cable TV/ISP’s rented router.  Sometimes you might almost get the impression that cable TV companies actually try to make streaming annoying. Smiley Happy  I’ve had to fix up my parents’ ISP-rental router several times after updates.  On the other hand, I use the same ISP but my purchased router has never had a firmware update that reduced features or protocols.  This could all be coincidental/luck, of course!

0 Kudos
Reel Rookie

Re: Roku support useless - device upgrades

Thanks for trying to help, but the suggestions that I've received here have been useless.  The software on my new Roku Ultra 2022 is up to date, as is the firmware on my router (which I've recently replaced, so it is new.)  None of these suggestions helped to solve my problem.  My new, top-of-the-line Roku will still not retain the channel order that I keep dragging the channels to.  My Roku device is clearly defective (Roku apparently has poor quality control), and Roku, in reality, has no warranty on its products, and Roku's non-existent "customer support" is not at all helpful, of course.  I am NOT a happy Roku customer.

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