I'm trying to activate widevine drm in the player as it says in the documentation (https://developer.roku.com/docs/specs/media/content-protection.md), but it still doesn't work. I have also added the lines to the manifest.
The code:
if streaming.licenseUrl <> invalid
drmParams = {
licenseServerURL: streaming.licenseUrl.widevine
keySystem: "Widevine"
m.child[0].drmParams = drmParams
end if
if streaming.url <> invalid
m.child[0].url = streaming.url
node = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
node.Update({children: m.child}, true)
m.videoPlayer.content = node
m.videoPlayer.enableUI = false
m.videoPlayer.contentIsPlaylist = true
m.videoPlayer.control = "play"
m.videoPlayer.ObserveField("state", "OnVideoPlayerStateChange")
m.videoPlayer.ObserveField("visible", "OnVideoVisibleChange")
end if
I am doing something wrong? Or am I missing something to add?