Keep in mind, when you make changes to your feed file, it may take upwards of 6 hours for Roku to ingest the changes. This tends to confuse lots of developers.
I figured out that my platform knows how to make one kind of Roku json, populated only with movies. One playlist, named "all". Not a great channel creator. I started writing a python script to sling together multiple of these to make a channel.
Not gonna lie, this 48 hours to wait to publish to test your changes is the least pleasant part of this experience....
I provide software that merges multiple feed files into one. If interested, look at my post signature below.
I looked at it and using it our workflow is too heavy. The platform I am using emits primitive JSONs and I can transform them via script server-side so it’s automatic. Will eventually be rewritten in PHP and made part of the platform.
Next up I have to figure out how to get one step higher in the feeding chain than direct publisher with our software. Because this 48 hour publishing window is a killer.