I am trying to add a credit object for the actors roles, external ID for imdb info and figure out why I can't get my short description to show up. These are for "movies". When I open the channel and see the images of the movies, it shows only the name of the movie and not the short description. When I choose the movie, it goes to it's own poster page and I see the description and the * to click to read all of the description.
1. Is the short description suppose to display on the home screen beneath the channel logo when the movie is highlighted using the remote? Trying to find out which screen the short description is suppose to display.
2. Where to add the external ID for imdb info?
3. Where to add the credit object?
I've attempted to add but I think I must be adding the object in the wrong place.
Thanks for the tips.
"id": "movies07",
"title": "movie title",
"shortDescription": "added a short description here",
"longDescription": "have my longer description of the movie and info etc here",
"thumbnail": "http://xxxxxxxxxxx/800x450.png",
"genres": [
"tags": [
"releaseDate": "1936-12-17",
"content": {
"dateAdded": "2018-01-06T14:14:54.431Z",
"captions": [],
"duration": 4125,
"adBreaks": [
"videos": [{
"url": "http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.mp4",
"quality": "HD",
"videoType": "mp4"