What is the proper format for special characters in the channel feed?
If i send "'" for example for an apostrophe, it shows up in the channel as "#039" instead of '
Not sure if there's an issue in my feed itself or how Roku implements it.
Have you tried escaping the quote with \" ?
I thought you didnt need to escape apostrophes when using double quoted fields in Json.
The only way i've gotten to display correctly was to use smart quotes in my content management. That way the apostrophe isn't converted to the entity, seems odd that Roku wouldn't recognize the HTML entity.
Having trouble figuring out if the issue is on my end of things or on the Roku side.
Just curious, what is the specific issue you're encountering? I too don't believe you have an issue with a single quote, or apostrophe, within ""''s/double quotes. Are you submitting it and Roku's returning an error?
I took a closer look at my current Json feed file. It indeed does contain apostrophes and quotes. I checked my channel and all text looks correct. This leads me to this question: What are you using to edit/maintain your feed file?