Has anyone able to resolve this. We still see video playback start with 3 hours rewind rather than current time.
You need to use livefeeds key/type in your JSON feed, and your livestream needs to be active when Roku server is Ingesting your feed, otherwise it will be rejected (we have a solution for this issue DM me for more info).
Here is a sample:
"liveFeeds": [{ "id": "GCUGbgJZalE6XOuIzJVV" , "title": "OTTfeed" , "content": { "dateAdded": "2021-01-23T17:20:46+00:00" , "videos": [{ "url": "https://playlist.ottfeed.com/live/master.m3u8?channel=GCUGbgJZalE6XOuIzJVV" , "quality": "FHD" , "videoType": "HLS" }] , "language": "en-US" } , "thumbnail": "https://ottfeed.com/GCUGbgJZalE6XOuIzJVV/OTTfeed-live-image.png" , "shortDescription": "All-in-one feed management system for Roku Direct Publisher, Roku Channel and custom OTT apps" , "longDescription": "OTTfeed: All-in-one feed management system for Roku Direct Publisher, Roku Channel and custom OTT apps. All Content Types, Management Tools & Advanced workflows. For more info go to https://OTTfeed.com" , "tags": ["ottfeed", "live"] , "rating": { "rating": "UNRATED" , "ratingSource": "USA_PR" } , "genres": ["technology"] }]
Also, if you are looking for a robust solution to manage your content feed, check out OTTfeed.com platform it will save you a lot of time and frustration managing and debugging your feed.
Here are some of the features:
If you are interested go to https://OTTfeed.com and click "Start 7-day free trial”.