Hi, I'm sorry, I wanted a suggestion. I have the same problem, I published a channel with DIRECT PUBLISHER, it was approved, but when it opens after the splash screen, I only see the background of the channel, the "search" square, and that's it. I don't see my channel to click and open. not even the description. I insert the code mrss below. maybe I did something wrong.
<rss xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" version="2.0">
<pubDate>Mon, 28 oct 2019 09:35:00 GMT</pubDate>
<media:title>Santuario Madonna della Guardia Italy</media:title>
<media:description>In this channel, you can follow all the directions made by the Madonna Della Guardia Sanctuary in Genoa located in Italy. One of the most important shrines in Europe. Thousands of visits every month, devotees from all over the world flock to the Sanctuary.</media:description>
<media:thumbnail url="http://www.mariatv.it/Roku/img%20roku%20channel/Santuario%20della%20Guardia/bas-qual-2-1920x1080-san...>
<media:content url="https://live.mariatvcdn.com/laguardia/29ac3ca42617b5909cffc4906e473f37.sdp/playlist.m3u8" duration="3600" bitrate="2500" language="en-us"/>
I'm not sure, do you still need to add the Category for International when going thru the checklist in submitted the DP on your Dashboard? Something like that might be missing.
so some pieces are missing in the code? I have already tried everything and more. if you have time you can try to correct the code. as you said. when entering the app, I entered both the international tag and the category. now I send you the photos.
The feed file you posted contains some syntax errors. This typically happens when you code the file manually ("by hand"). You'll need to fix those first. Then, read this post for information regarding the image you posted.
Thanks to all of the answers. I checked and changed the code a bit, but I think it's a problem with the platform or my roku. I say this, because I tried to download the channel "Channel.TV" where there are roku tutorials, and this shows me only the simolo of the search and not the contents.
anyway I put below the codes that I have modified and that in any case are not seen, despite being published. I also tried to put a file, but it doesn't appear.
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/">
<media:title>Santuario Madonna della Guardia GENOVA</media:title>
<media:description>In this channel, you can follow all the directions made by the Madonna Della Guardia Sanctuary in Genoa located in Italy.</media:description>
<media:keywords>faith, religion, catholic, mariatv</media:keywords>
<media:thumbnail url="https://www.mariatv.it/Roku/img%20roku%20channel/Santuario%20della%20Guardia/bas-qual-2-1920x1080-sa...>
<media:content url="https://live.mariatvcdn.com/laguardia/29ac3ca42617b5909cffc4906e473f37.sdp/playlist.m3u8" duration="3600" bitrate="2500" language="en-us"/>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/">
<media:title>Santuario Madonna della Guardia GENOVA</media:title>
<media:description>In this channel, you can follow all the directions made by the Madonna Della Guardia Sanctuary in Genoa located in Italy.</media:description>
<media:keywords>faith, religion, catholic, mariatv</media:keywords>
<media:thumbnail url="http://www.mariatv.it/Roku/img%20roku%20channel/Santuario%20della%20Guardia/bas-qual-2-1920x1080-san...>
<media:content url="https://live.mariatvcdn.com/laguardia/29ac3ca42617b5909cffc4906e473f37.sdp/playlist.m3u8" duration="3600" bitrate="2500" language="en-us"/>
If I assume the feed you posted is what you are trying to use, please note that,
<media:thumbnail url="http://www.mariatv.it/Roku/img%20roku%20channel/Santuario%20della%20Guardia/bas-qual-2-1920x1080-san...>
the url above is not valid. Take a look at the end of the url (ie. "..."). Please refer to the MRSS feed spec for the proper syntax for the thumbnail item.
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/">
<media:title>Santuario Madonna della Guardia GENOVA</media:title>
<media:description>In this channel, you can follow all the directions made by the Madonna Della Guardia Sanctuary in Genoa located in Italy.</media:description>
<media:keywords>faith, religion, catholic, mariatv</media:keywords>
<media:thumbnail url="https://www.mariatv.it/Roku/immroku/santuario%20della%20guardia-800x450-ROKU.png"/>
<media:content url="https://www.mariatv.it/video/Fattura%20di%20Vendita%20Emissione%20%281%29.mp4" duration="3600" bitrate="500" language="en-EN" />
Hi, I tried to correct the syntax of the code, and to set the 800x450 size as requested. (now I just put a mp4 video to test, just to see if it works, then when I can get it to work I put the m3u8 string of the live) in the preview I see it, I see that there is no square of the button but the search appears but the photo. for safety I also added an extra category. anyway I don't see it on my roku, I doubt that the problem is my roku box. I insert the code below if someone wants to try and see only if he sees something.
@Baradanikto can i have your direct mail ??
Code to add channel: L6ZMRJ
If you need to contact me, please use the private message service on this forum.