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Roku Guru

Re: Help me test my Wordpress plugin for Direct Publisher feeds

Bumping this so other folks can see...this WP plugin is great!
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Roku Guru

Re: Generate Direct Publisher JSON feeds with Wordpress

Updated to 1.3.1 - See top post for more info!   

PS:  Our email system is currently down, so if you need help use the Support Ticket system!
Use Wordpress to power your Roku Direct Publisher (& other platforms) ->
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Roku Guru

Re: Generate Direct Publisher JSON feeds with Wordpress

Got a tutorial on this using WP Smart TV.

Hope this helps, folks!
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Roku Guru

Re: Generate Direct Publisher JSON feeds with Wordpress

"DeanLach" wrote:
Wow Rovidx!  It's good to see you're back.  I found your post today.

I'm an old Rovidx customer (from the Wask build a few years ago.)  So my question is...I've built this huge XML according to the WASK feed format, and as you know this is not a typical, valid feed.  It's missing some elements (there's no duration or length etc etc.)

1.) Could someone suggest some software for converting an existing MRSS feed to the JSON feed that Rovidx (and Roku Direct Pub) requires?

2.)  On a semi-related note, I'm anxious to find out how to use AD ID's like Amazon Ads, or Admob with Rovidx (and/or Roku Direct Publisher.)

Hey Dean!  

1)  Unless you have the skills to code a custom importer, there is no way to currently do this.  Plus you will need all the relevant information or DP will throw errors.

2)  It works with any VAST/VPAID compatible feed.   Last I checked Amazon Ads where only banner/text ads, so none of those would work.   I've tested it with DoubleClick for Publishers and it works great.

Use Wordpress to power your Roku Direct Publisher (& other platforms) ->
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Roku Guru

Re: Generate Direct Publisher JSON feeds with Wordpress

"mkammes" wrote:
Got a tutorial on this using WP Smart TV.

Hope this helps, folks!

Another great episode Michael!   Thanks so much for including WP Smart TV in the show!!!
Use Wordpress to power your Roku Direct Publisher (& other platforms) ->
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Roku Guru

Re: Generate Direct Publisher JSON feeds with Wordpress

Update to the new version (1.3.5) which will fix that error.
Use Wordpress to power your Roku Direct Publisher (& other platforms) ->
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Roku Guru

Re: Generate Direct Publisher JSON feeds with Wordpress

Ok, figured out where the issue was.  Watch for an update in the next 24 - 48 hours.
Use Wordpress to power your Roku Direct Publisher (& other platforms) ->
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Re: Generate Direct Publisher JSON feeds with Wordpress

When I click on the Roku Feed I get this error. 

Not Found
The requested URL /wp-json/tv/roku/ was not found on this server.

Apache/2.4.10 (Debian) Server 

I checked my permalink settings and I have them set to this:


I also enabled WP Super Cache and I have Jetpack installed. Not sure what else I should be doing to get the feed going? Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance! 
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Roku Guru

Re: Generate Direct Publisher JSON feeds with Wordpress

Not exactly sure, would you mind pasting the full actual URL?   The line about "The requested URL /wp-json/tv/roku/"  shouldn't the url be ending with the .json  (ex: /channel.json) extension?

You could host the file at if you need to push it thru while you're figuring it out. Their urls work.
0 Kudos

Re: Generate Direct Publisher JSON feeds with Wordpress

Yeah it's
That's the link I get from the plug-in and when I hit download json I get a file not found error. If it helps, I' my WordPress site on Google compute.
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