"destruk" wrote:
Before the 80's there wasn't any public mass-available internet and we didn't have any viruses. I suggest we go back to using the telegraph and handwritten letter with relay rider networks to communicate - it was so much more secure and would create a lot of jobs. Not to mention back then the global human population was half as much as it is today.
You forgot about USENET eh? That was part of the internet since the early 1970's.. Remember Al Gore Championed the expansion of the internet into what it is today, prior to that we were happy with text messages, bmp, tiff files etc etc in message formats... And we did have viruses, they were mostly just what we called "nuisance viruses" in that they did no real harm to an end user and were mostly used to show a programmer that their work was far from "bullet proof". I started out on a teletype machine connected to the university of PA Mainframe through rubber couplers at I believe 150 baud... By 1981 we were running our own portion of the internet as a email service, UseNet hub through our TRS-80 Model 1 (dual 360k floppy drives and a whole 4k of RAM) BBS Called Garage BBS.. By the mid 80's we had 50+ IBM Xt's connected together with Lantastic and about 45 phone lines coming in to share the internet with our users. God, the stories I could tell of staying up for days and nights at a time coding our way through the to become what we are today.. Fun times miss them immensely, that was a time when we did it for the passion not the money..