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Roku Guru

Re: Category Error on Direct Publisher

Figured out what I was doing wrong. Maybe from being awake for 40 hours straight working on this direct publisher and learning json.. Anyway:

I found out that I have to press the first character of an existing tag in order to populate the tag section on all the browsers except IE9, on IE9 it puts a down arrow after the "select tags", but on all the other browsers you have to press the first character of an existing tag then it drops down a list of all the tags that begin with that character.

On the properties screen it was not the age rating that I was missing (the red characters saying "you have to pick one option" was for the field above that.

Ok, now just two issues left. One that I might make a suggestion for future development.
I still can not turn on ads without getting the exclaimation point on them.
and the second one is I finished my asp code to create the json file of all 1800+ videos in my library, it passes through both json checkers with no errors found.. BUT when I set it as the source for the channel it says

The feed URL(s) could not be validated.
  • JSON (SyntaxError: Unexpected token in JSON at position 10125)

    So that means Roku detected an error that did not find. at character 10125..

    But every json editor I have tried counts whitespaces and carriage returns as characters. AND only gives a cursor position based on x and y coordinates (row and column).
    So, short of counting manually to character 10125 the only solution I can come up with is to replace the carriage returns and remove the whitespace with another script, probably in powershell or maybe asp.. BUT thats gonna have to wait, I am now at this for 55+ hours on zero sleep, so gonna nap a few hours and work on it later. If anyone has an easier way to do it, please let me know. I really want my json file formatted for easier human view with the carriage returns and whitespaces in place, just makes it easier to make corrections down the line. But if this is the way it has to be then I will forgo it and permantly remove them.. Once I figure that out, then I just have to update the existing thumbnails to the proper sizes and figure out why the ads won't turn on and I'll be ready to go live.

    Then I wanna try to find a way to get all my subscribers from the private channels to the public channels.. if at all posible,,
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    Roku Guru

    Re: Category Error on Direct Publisher

    Did you ever figure this out?  I've got a similar problem.  The code validates fine, but, Roku won't validate it.
    FREE Windows desktop software for converting Direct Publisher channels to SceneGraph (SDK), for creating BIF (Trick Play) files, Roku (MRSS, JSON) feed files, and FireTV feed files @ GitHub/rrirower.
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    Roku Guru

    Re: Category Error on Direct Publisher

    If you mean about the tags yes, you have to type in the firat letter of a valid tag then you can select it. If your referring to the valid json file but roku rejecting it, it is because of control ascii codes in the description, fori nstance chr$(10) chr$(13) etc etc will fail roku authentication in the description as will "word wrap" feature in notepad...
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