I am trying to use "wss" via roStreamSocket and nothing works for me
function listenSocket() messagePort = CreateObject("roMessagePort") sendAddress = CreateObject("roSocketAddress") sendAddress.setHostName("adress.com") 'wss://adress.com sendAddress.setPort(443) m._socket = CreateObject("roStreamSocket") m._socket.setMessagePort(messagePort) m._socket.notifyReadable(true) m._socket.notifyWritable(true) m._socket.notifyException(true) m._socket.setSendToAddress(sendAddress) m._socket.setKeepAlive(true) buffer = CreateObject("roByteArray") buffer[1024] = 0 localStatus = m._socket.sendStr("subscription") while True event = wait(0, messagePort) if type(event) = "roSocketEvent" if event.getSocketID() = m._socket.getID() and m._socket.isReadable() received = m._socket.receive(buffer, 0, 1024) if received <> -1 print "WebSocket received data " end if end if end if end while end function
localStatus = -1 for me
received = -1 for me
wss://adress.com - it is a fake address I have a real one
what am I doing wrong?
The roStreamSocket needs to have a Connect call made on it to start.
Can you confirm that roStreamSocket supports WSS?
roStreamSocket is plain TCP/IP only. It doesn't know anything about WebSockets.
I believe someone mentioned before some open source BrightScript code that implements a WebSocket class. Maybe you could look into that, but I haven't looked at it myself.