I want to stream an online video to Roku's play-on-Roku, using this url:
"http://" + host + String.format("15985?t=v&u=%s&k=(null)&h=%s&videoName=%s&videoFormat=%s",
in which host is Roku's ip address + ":8060", like this:,
url is the online video url, like "http://voyagerapps.com/ytb001.mp4" or "https://voyagerapps.com/ytb001.mp4"
title is the String that will show on the screen when play-on-Roku is retrieving video,
mediaFormat is the mediaFormat of the online video.
Here is my question, when the url starts with "http:", it works fine. However, when loading "https:" url, it stops working. play-on-Roku just "crashes" and return to HOME screen.
Is there a way to fix it?
And one more question: when play-on-Roku is playing an online video, how to retrieve playing information like "video duration", "playing status(pause or play)", "video playing position(the current progress/postion of the video which is currently playing)"?
Thanks in advance.