Not all video streams that can play on VLC or other media players are able to play on Roku devices. To make sure the stream is Roku-compatible, try running it using this code, which will play a single video and generate debug logs for any errors and system log messages to help you diagnose if/why it won't play. Substitute your video url for the one in this sample code.
Function _DEBUG_ON () As Boolean : Return True : End Function ' Return True => Debugging ON
Sub Main ()
port = CreateObject ("roMessagePort")
' Use roSystemLog to log system events
sl = CreateObject ("roSystemLog")
sl.SetMessagePort (port)
sl.EnableType ("http.error")
sl.EnableType ("http.connect")
sl.EnableType ("bandwidth.minute")
' Use roVideoScreen to play the video
ui = CreateObject ("roVideoScreen")
ui.SetMessagePort (port)
ui.SetCertificatesFile ("common:/certs/ca-bundle.crt") ' Required for "https" urls
ui.SetContent ({
StreamFormat: "hls", ' "hls or "mp4"
Stream: {
Url: ""
Bitrate: 0
Quality: False ' At least one SD stream is required if using an SD TV
ui.Show ()
' Event loop
While True
msg = Wait (0, port)
_logEvent ("Main", msg)
End While
End Sub
' Log events
Function _logEvent (proc As String, msg As Dynamic) As Void
If msg = Invalid
evType = "Invalid"
_debug (proc + ". Invalid")
evStr = ""
evType = Type (msg)
If evType = "roVideoScreenEvent" Or evType = "roVideoPlayerEvent"
msgType = msg.GetType ().ToStr ()
If msg.IsStreamStarted ()
info = msg.GetInfo ()
If info.IsUnderrun Then underrun = "true" Else underrun = "false"
evStr = "isStreamStarted. Index: " + msg.GetIndex ().ToStr ()
evStr = evStr + ". Url: " + info.Url
evStr = evStr + ". StreamBitrate: " + StrI (info.StreamBitrate / 1000).Trim ()
evStr = evStr + ". MeasuredBitrate: " + info.MeasuredBitrate.ToStr ()
evStr = evStr + ". IsUnderrun: " + underrun
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsPlaybackPosition ()
evStr = "isPlaybackPosition. Index: " + msg.GetIndex ().ToStr ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsRequestFailed ()
index = msg.GetIndex ()
info = msg.GetInfo ()
evStr = "isRequestFailed. Message: " + msg.GetMessage () + " Index: " + index.ToStr ()
If index <= 0 And index >= -5
failMessage = [ "Network error : server down or unresponsive, server is unreachable, network setup problem on the client",
"HTTP error: malformed headers or HTTP error result",
"Connection timed out",
"Unknown error",
"Empty list; no streams were specified to play",
"Media error; the media format is unknown or unsupported" ][-index]
evStr = evStr + " [" + failMessage + "]"
End If
If info.LookupCI ("Url") <> Invalid Then evStr = evStr + ". Url: " + info.Url
If info.LookupCI ("StreamBitrate") <> Invalid Then evStr = evStr + ". StreamBitrate: " + info.StreamBitrate.ToStr ()
If info.LookupCI ("MeasuredBitrate") <> Invalid Then evStr = evStr + ". MeasuredBitrate: " + info.MeasuredBitrate.ToStr ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsStatusMessage ()
evStr = "isStatusMessage. Message: " + msg.GetMessage ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsFullResult ()
evStr = "isFullResult"
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsPartialResult ()
evStr = "isPartialResult"
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsPaused ()
evStr = "isPaused"
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsResumed ()
evStr = "isResumed"
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsScreenClosed ()
evStr = "isScreenClosed"
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsStreamSegmentInfo ()
info = msg.GetInfo ()
evStr = "isStreamSegmentInfo. Message: " + msg.GetMessage () + ". Index: " + msg.GetIndex ().ToStr ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
_debug ("StreamBandwidth: " + info.StreamBandwidth.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("Sequence: " + info.Sequence.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("SegUrl: " + info.SegUrl, "> ")
_debug ("SegStartTime: " + info.SegStartTime.ToStr (), "> ")
Else If msg.IsDownloadSegmentInfo () ' Undocumented event
info = msg.GetInfo ()
evStr = "isDownloadSegmentInfo. Message: " + msg.GetMessage () + ". Index: " + msg.GetIndex ().ToStr ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
_debug ("Sequence: " + info.Sequence.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("Status: " + info.Status.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("SegBitrate: " + info.SegBitrate.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("DownloadDuration: " + info.DownloadDuration.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("SegUrl: " + info.SegUrl, "> ")
_debug ("SegSize: " + info.SegSize.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("BufferSize: " + info.BufferSize.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("BufferLevel: " + info.BufferLevel.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("SegType: " + info.SegType.ToStr (), "> ")
Else If msg.IsListItemSelected () ' Undocumented event for this event type
evStr = "isListItemSelected ???. Index: " + msg.GetIndex ().ToStr ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
evStr = "Unknown. Message: " + msg.GetMessage () + " Index: " + msg.GetIndex ().ToStr ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
End If
Else If evType = "roSystemLogEvent"
msgType = msg.GetType ().ToStr ()
info = msg.GetInfo ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + "LogType=" + info.LogType + ". Datetime: " + _timeStr (info.Datetime))
evStr = ""
If info.LogType = "http.error" Or info.LogType = "http.connect"
_debug ("Url: " + info.Url, "> ")
_debug ("Status: " + info.Status, "> ")
_debug ("HttpCode: " + info.HttpCode.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("Method: " + info.Method, "> ")
_debug ("TargetIp: " + info.TargetIp, "> ")
_debug ("OrigUrl: " + info.OrigUrl, "> ")
Else If info.LogType = "bandwidth.minute"
_debug ("Bandwidth: " + info.bandwidth.ToStr (), "> ")
' Unknown log type
_debug ("(unknown log type)", "> ")
End If
' Add more event types here as needed ...
_debug (proc + ". Unexpected Event: " + evType)
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Function _timeStr (dtIn = Invalid As Object) As String
dt = CreateObject ("roDateTime")
If dtIn = Invalid
dt.Mark ()
dt = dtIn
End If
dt.ToLocalTime ()
str = ""
str = str + Right ("0" + dt.GetHours ().ToStr (), 2) + ":"
str = str + Right ("0" + dt.GetMinutes ().ToStr (), 2) + ":"
str = str + Right ("0" + dt.GetSeconds ().ToStr (), 2) + "."
str = str + Right ("00" + dt.GetMilliseconds ().ToStr (), 3) + " "
Return str
End Function
' Log _debug messages to the console. See _DEBUG () at the start of the code
Sub _debug (message As String, indentString = "" As String)
dt = CreateObject ("roDateTime")
dt.ToLocalTime ()
hh = Right ("0" + dt.GetHours ().ToStr (), 2)
mm = Right ("0" + dt.GetMinutes ().ToStr (), 2)
ss = Right ("0" + dt.GetSeconds ().ToStr (), 2)
mmm = Right ("00" + dt.GetMilliseconds ().ToStr (), 3)
Print hh; ":"; mm; ":"; ss; "."; mmm; " "; indentString; message
End If
End Sub