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Re: secured m3u8 can't play with Roku but with VLC

Thanks a lot for your help and link.
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: secured m3u8 can't play with Roku but with VLC

See ... deasString for a useful utility function and a list of the characters you should be concerned about. Inside xml element content or attribute value, they should be escaped to so-called "character entity references".

BrightScript Debugger> ? "escaped chars: < ' & >".getEntityEncode()
escaped chars: &lt; &apos; &amp; &gt;
0 Kudos

XML Code: placing m3u8 url for Roku

Hi!, im having a really hard time with this xml code. I though i might find the help a need here. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
this is what i am coding the xml for my roku channel and please let me know if there is a problem (im level "beginner" on this roku integration)
Im using the SDK template on Roku and placed the m3u8 url on the stream url <>
When i press play on my roku channel to see the videos it seems to retrieve but it doesn't show anything at the end..can somebody help me i will appreciate it....thanks 😄

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<item sdImg="" hdImg="">
<title> CB
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: secured m3u8 can't play with Roku but with VLC

Not all video streams that can play on VLC or other media players are able to play on Roku devices. To make sure the stream is Roku-compatible, try running it using this code, which will play a single video and generate debug logs for any errors and system log messages to help you diagnose if/why it won't play. Substitute your video url for the one in this sample code.

Function _DEBUG_ON () As Boolean : Return True : End Function ' Return True => Debugging ON

Sub Main ()
port = CreateObject ("roMessagePort")

' Use roSystemLog to log system events
sl = CreateObject ("roSystemLog")
sl.SetMessagePort (port)
sl.EnableType ("http.error")
sl.EnableType ("http.connect")
sl.EnableType ("bandwidth.minute")

' Use roVideoScreen to play the video
ui = CreateObject ("roVideoScreen")
ui.SetMessagePort (port)
ui.SetCertificatesFile ("common:/certs/ca-bundle.crt") ' Required for "https" urls
ui.SetContent ({
StreamFormat: "hls", ' "hls or "mp4"
Stream: {
Url: ""
Bitrate: 0
Quality: False ' At least one SD stream is required if using an SD TV
ui.Show ()

' Event loop
While True
msg = Wait (0, port)
_logEvent ("Main", msg)
End While

End Sub

' Log events
Function _logEvent (proc As String, msg As Dynamic) As Void
If msg = Invalid
evType = "Invalid"
_debug (proc + ". Invalid")
evStr = ""
evType = Type (msg)
If evType = "roVideoScreenEvent" Or evType = "roVideoPlayerEvent"
msgType = msg.GetType ().ToStr ()
If msg.IsStreamStarted ()
info = msg.GetInfo ()
If info.IsUnderrun Then underrun = "true" Else underrun = "false"
evStr = "isStreamStarted. Index: " + msg.GetIndex ().ToStr ()
evStr = evStr + ". Url: " + info.Url
evStr = evStr + ". StreamBitrate: " + StrI (info.StreamBitrate / 1000).Trim ()
evStr = evStr + ". MeasuredBitrate: " + info.MeasuredBitrate.ToStr ()
evStr = evStr + ". IsUnderrun: " + underrun
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsPlaybackPosition ()
evStr = "isPlaybackPosition. Index: " + msg.GetIndex ().ToStr ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsRequestFailed ()
index = msg.GetIndex ()
info = msg.GetInfo ()
evStr = "isRequestFailed. Message: " + msg.GetMessage () + " Index: " + index.ToStr ()
If index <= 0 And index >= -5
failMessage = [ "Network error : server down or unresponsive, server is unreachable, network setup problem on the client",
"HTTP error: malformed headers or HTTP error result",
"Connection timed out",
"Unknown error",
"Empty list; no streams were specified to play",
"Media error; the media format is unknown or unsupported" ][-index]
evStr = evStr + " [" + failMessage + "]"
End If
If info.LookupCI ("Url") <> Invalid Then evStr = evStr + ". Url: " + info.Url
If info.LookupCI ("StreamBitrate") <> Invalid Then evStr = evStr + ". StreamBitrate: " + info.StreamBitrate.ToStr ()
If info.LookupCI ("MeasuredBitrate") <> Invalid Then evStr = evStr + ". MeasuredBitrate: " + info.MeasuredBitrate.ToStr ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsStatusMessage ()
evStr = "isStatusMessage. Message: " + msg.GetMessage ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsFullResult ()
evStr = "isFullResult"
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsPartialResult ()
evStr = "isPartialResult"
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsPaused ()
evStr = "isPaused"
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsResumed ()
evStr = "isResumed"
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsScreenClosed ()
evStr = "isScreenClosed"
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
Else If msg.IsStreamSegmentInfo ()
info = msg.GetInfo ()
evStr = "isStreamSegmentInfo. Message: " + msg.GetMessage () + ". Index: " + msg.GetIndex ().ToStr ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
_debug ("StreamBandwidth: " + info.StreamBandwidth.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("Sequence: " + info.Sequence.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("SegUrl: " + info.SegUrl, "> ")
_debug ("SegStartTime: " + info.SegStartTime.ToStr (), "> ")
Else If msg.IsDownloadSegmentInfo () ' Undocumented event
info = msg.GetInfo ()
evStr = "isDownloadSegmentInfo. Message: " + msg.GetMessage () + ". Index: " + msg.GetIndex ().ToStr ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
_debug ("Sequence: " + info.Sequence.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("Status: " + info.Status.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("SegBitrate: " + info.SegBitrate.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("DownloadDuration: " + info.DownloadDuration.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("SegUrl: " + info.SegUrl, "> ")
_debug ("SegSize: " + info.SegSize.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("BufferSize: " + info.BufferSize.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("BufferLevel: " + info.BufferLevel.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("SegType: " + info.SegType.ToStr (), "> ")
Else If msg.IsListItemSelected () ' Undocumented event for this event type
evStr = "isListItemSelected ???. Index: " + msg.GetIndex ().ToStr ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
evStr = "Unknown. Message: " + msg.GetMessage () + " Index: " + msg.GetIndex ().ToStr ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + evStr)
End If
Else If evType = "roSystemLogEvent"
msgType = msg.GetType ().ToStr ()
info = msg.GetInfo ()
_debug (proc + ". " + evType + " [" + msgType + "]-" + "LogType=" + info.LogType + ". Datetime: " + _timeStr (info.Datetime))
evStr = ""
If info.LogType = "http.error" Or info.LogType = "http.connect"
_debug ("Url: " + info.Url, "> ")
_debug ("Status: " + info.Status, "> ")
_debug ("HttpCode: " + info.HttpCode.ToStr (), "> ")
_debug ("Method: " + info.Method, "> ")
_debug ("TargetIp: " + info.TargetIp, "> ")
_debug ("OrigUrl: " + info.OrigUrl, "> ")
Else If info.LogType = "bandwidth.minute"
_debug ("Bandwidth: " + info.bandwidth.ToStr (), "> ")
' Unknown log type
_debug ("(unknown log type)", "> ")
End If
' Add more event types here as needed ...

_debug (proc + ". Unexpected Event: " + evType)
End If
End If
End If
End Function

Function _timeStr (dtIn = Invalid As Object) As String

dt = CreateObject ("roDateTime")

If dtIn = Invalid
dt.Mark ()
dt = dtIn
End If

dt.ToLocalTime ()

str = ""
str = str + Right ("0" + dt.GetHours ().ToStr (), 2) + ":"
str = str + Right ("0" + dt.GetMinutes ().ToStr (), 2) + ":"
str = str + Right ("0" + dt.GetSeconds ().ToStr (), 2) + "."
str = str + Right ("00" + dt.GetMilliseconds ().ToStr (), 3) + " "

Return str

End Function

' Log _debug messages to the console. See _DEBUG () at the start of the code
Sub _debug (message As String, indentString = "" As String)
dt = CreateObject ("roDateTime")
dt.ToLocalTime ()
hh = Right ("0" + dt.GetHours ().ToStr (), 2)
mm = Right ("0" + dt.GetMinutes ().ToStr (), 2)
ss = Right ("0" + dt.GetSeconds ().ToStr (), 2)
mmm = Right ("00" + dt.GetMilliseconds ().ToStr (), 3)
Print hh; ":"; mm; ":"; ss; "."; mmm; " "; indentString; message
End If
End Sub
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