"RokuMarkn" wrote:
. However, one thing to note is if your channel is not playing video, all the memory used for the video buffer is available for tmp. This is over 50 MB on all platforms.
"NewManLiving" wrote:
I have not looked at roFileSystem yet but you probably have. There must be a better way to determine space in the temp. Have you investigated the file system component for this purpose?
"NewManLiving" wrote:
To be clear though, does the number of channels that the user has impact temp, and Is there any way to know how much is used to buffer the video when it is playing
"NewManLiving" wrote:
all the memory used for the video buffer is available for tmp. This is over 50 MB on all platforms.
"TheEndless" wrote:
I actually have a download cache object that I use to track any data I save to tmp. When it has cached nn MBs of data (I default to 10), I trim it back to 1/2 nn using a crude LRU mechanism
"NewManLiving" wrote:
In the quote above does this mean that the video buffer memory of 50 mb is made available to tmp which would increase the actual size of temp, or that temp itself maxes out at approx 50 mb without the video buffer, which of course if a video was playing would decrease the 50 mb
"RokuJoel" wrote:
If you plan to wrap around each end of the grid, you'll need a mechanism to do that. This might help:
idx = idx - 1 ' or +1, as case may bewhere N is your list.count(). Bonus points: it wraps correctly if step != 1, as the case might be with << and >> jumping 5 or 10 entries to the side.
idx = (idx + N) mod N
"EnTerr" wrote:"RokuJoel" wrote:
If you plan to wrap around each end of the grid, you'll need a mechanism to do that. This might help:
Regarding list wrap-around, there is formulaic way of normalizing the value:idx = idx - 1 ' or +1, as case may bewhere N is your list.count(). Bonus points: it wraps correctly if step != 1, as the case might be with << and >> jumping 5 or 10 entries to the side.
idx = (idx + N) mod N