Hello squirreltown:
I put this together real quick, so it is a rush job. But I believe it is in the right direction. Copy and run it .. If you like it I'll help you flesh it out
If you have any problems let me know. I rushed it but I believe it performs as commented
' Ok Buddy Here is a very simple virtual grid. And it took great pains for me to do this
' because 1 - I did not use a compositor aarrrrgghhh. 2 -I did not use an object arrrggghhh
' But it is top down and straightforward so you can understand how it works. Once you do then
' if you like it and want to continue I will help you, I will also show you how to encapsulate it
' into an obejct if you want to
' Limitations:
' 1 - for now you can only scroll to the right. Once you understand that then I'll show you how
' to page flip the indexes to go in the opposite direction. Then we will add paging if you want
' 2 - Most of the parameters are hard coded so I cannot predict what will happen if you change them
' Error checking will come later. Again, the idea is for you to understand what is going on
' You can experiment with the page and margin sizes at this time, but again I am not concerned
' right now with that so you may get some interesting results. Perfecting it can only come after
' understanding it
' 3 - The program generates 120 bitmaps of size 175 x 200 ( I dont know what your thumb size is)
' but it really does not matter as far as the grid is concerned; however, memory is quickly
' absorbed even by these 120 bitmaps. use r2d2_bitmaps to observe. So if you change the
' dummy bitmap generator at the bottom to increase the number of bitmaps, very shortly it will fail.
' 4 - If you decide you like this method. Then we will change the bitmap cache for the temp folder cache
' and build some cache management using both the temp folder and memory
' I have not tried this yet as I use a different caching method, but since you are at any one time
' only loading and drawing one small bitmap, my guess is that it will be very acceptable. Thus my
' interest as well. Well, when paging you will be writing a page full, but your page full does not
' need to exceed the size of the screen. So at most you will have possibly ten. Learn to use and
' understand a region. if you understand this well, the concept of writing something off-screan will fade
' and be replaced by "write something outside the region"
Function Main() As Void
' standard stuff
Screen = CreateObject("roScreen", True)
End Function
Function SimpleVGrid(Screen As Object)
' Generate 120 test bitmaps
bitmaps = GetBitmaps()
' Total number of bitmaps
bitmapCount = bitmaps.Count()
' Bitmap index
bitmapIndex = 0
' virtual column index
bufferIndex = 0
' width and height of our bitmaps. You can play with this if you want (change it to your size)
' but again this is an introduction so all that good stuff comes later
width = 175
height = 200
' If you don't want to use a margin set it to 0
margin = 20
' This is how many cells in the grid are displayed you can set it from 1 to
' the number that will fit comfortably in the dimensions of your display. It is
' not necessary to go beyond the screen. The user cannot see any more than that
' If you want that effect, then offset in drawobject.
' And you risk making the grid bitmap too large and throwing an exception
' Screen.DrawObject( 75, 200, gridRegion ) increase the 75 to where you like it
pageSize = 6
' The actual column width is the width of the bitmap plus any margin
columnWidth = (width + margin)
' Ok now we are going to create the grid buffer. You notice that its width will be
' pagesize * columnwidth + columwidth the additional columnwidth is the virtuall column
bmBuffer = pageSize * columnWidth + columnWidth
' What the user sees is the same size - the extra column. that column is updated
' and then scrolled into view.
bmRegion = pageSize * columnWidth
' Create your bitmap and region based on the above calculations. The region will start at
' position 0,0 in the bitmap, extend the width of the bitmap minus one columnwidht
' and be the same heigh as the bitmap
gridBitmap = CreateObject("roBitmap", {width: bmBuffer, height: height, AlphaEnable: false})
gridRegion = CreateObject("roRegion", gridBitmap, 0, 0, bmRegion - margin, height)
' You must set the wrap to true for this to work, otherwise you have to do it another way
' Now its time for the fun. Bitmap index is set to 0 . It is an index into the
' array of bitmaps . x is set to 0 then incremented by columnwidth to draw each
' page full of bitmaps
x = 0
bitmapIndex = 0
' Clear the bitmap
' I prefer to do it this way (2 to pagesize) then after the loop exits
' draw the final column
for i = 2 to pageSize
' Now you want to draw a page full of bitmpas right into
' the bitmap buffer
gridBitmap.DrawObject(x, 0, bitmaps[bitmapIndex])
' Increment the x pos by columnwidth to draw the next cell
x = x + columnWidth
' Increment the bitmapindex by one to draw the next bitmap in the array
' If you have to wrap around then do so
bitmapIndex = bitmapIndex + 1
if bitmapIndex >= bitmapCount then bitmapIndex = 0
end for
' After we exit the loop you notice that x was incremented and bitmapindex was
' incremented in the loop but the loop itself failed because the limit was reached
' so all you need to do is write the last cell and set the virtual index at x
' NOTE: if you change this then you have to change the code below that increments
' these as well .
gridBitmap.DrawObject(x, 0, bitmaps[bitmapIndex])
bufferIndex = x
' Ok now put this bitmaps newly drawn region onto the screen
' Like is said you can change the x = 75 to whatever to make it
' appear like it is coming in from outside the screen
Screen.DrawObject( 75, 200, gridRegion )
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
running = true
scrollSpeed = 100
lastKey = -1
kp_LT = 4
kp_RT = 5
kp_BK = 0
kp_FWD = 9
msg = wait(scrollSpeed, port)
if type(msg) = "roUniversalControlEvent"
index = msg.GetInt()
lastKey = index
'if index = kp_LT or index = kp_RT
if index = kp_RT
' Ok everything was setup in the above paging code so now
' you just increment both indexes, check bounds and wrap if
' needid
bitmapIndex = bitmapIndex + 1
if bitmapIndex >= bitmapCount then bitmapIndex = 0
' When the draw page (soon to come with the code above)
' is called the bufferindex is always positioned at its start
' position. right at the last visible column so you want to
' increment it into the virtual column, but keep in mind
' that the next column becomes virtual because the region will now
' be moved. Picture this as a magnifying glass that is going
' over a piece of paper. The paper stays still but what you
' see in the glass is constantly moving
' Ok increment by columnwidth . You have to wrap around because
' the regions setwrap is on . You must play by the rules for this to work
bufferIndex = bufferIndex + columnWidth
if bufferIndex > bmRegion then bufferIndex = 0
' Ok everything is in order to draw the new bitmap into the virtual
' column. (Soon to be if you like - load from temp and draw)
gridBitmap.DrawObject(bufferIndex, 0, bitmaps[bitmapIndex])
' now scroll that column right into view
ScrollRegion(gridRegion, Screen, columnWidth)
else if index > 100 ' All key ups are value + 100
scrollSpeed = 100
else if index = kp_BK
running = False
end if
' The user is holding down the key. So you have to repeat all this
' nonsense again (THUS THE OBJECT). I mean you can put all this
' in a function but once you get used to the object you will never
' go back to the old way. You can play with the speeds here
' to get it to your liking. Once again just right for now
'if lastKey = kp_LT or lastKey = kp_RT
' I threw in a goodie here. If you use the page forward key you can
' see how fast this really is. I really don't expect much of a hit
' from loading one bitmap from temp each time
if lastKey = kp_RT or lastKey = kp_FWD
bitmapIndex = bitmapIndex + 1
if bitmapIndex >= bitmapCount then bitmapIndex = 0
bufferIndex = bufferIndex + columnWidth
if bufferIndex > bmRegion then bufferIndex = 0
gridBitmap.DrawObject(bufferIndex, 0, bitmaps[bitmapIndex])
scrollSpeed = 5
if lastKey = kp_RT
ScrollRegion(gridRegion, Screen, columnWidth, 😎
ScrollRegion(gridRegion, Screen, columnWidth, 2)
end if
end if
end if
end while
End Function
' This is the where the nice effect occurs
' You can use many of the Robert Penner's easing functions (THANK YOU ROBERT)
' Bounce them off a tree if you want. This one is the simplest and most frequently used
' Play with the values and adjust them to your liking
Function ScrollRegion(Region As Object, Screen As Object, width As Integer, frames = 16 As Integer) As Void
offset = 0
offdiff = 0
prevset = 0
if frames < 2 then frames = 2
for i = 1 to frames
offset = int(width * i / frames)
offdiff = offset - prevset
if offdiff > 0
Region.Offset(offdiff, 0, 0, 0)
Screen.DrawObject( 75, 200, Region)
prevset = offset
end if
end for
End Function
' Get some dummy bitmaps for the examle. Of course you would use your own
' Fix the thumb at 100 * 150 just so you can understand how it works
Function GetBitmaps() As Object
number = 120
width = 175
height = 200
clrs = [
fontRegistry = CreateObject("roFontRegistry")
font18 = fontRegistry.GetDefaultFont(18, True, False)
bitmaps = CreateObject("roArray", number, False)
j = 0
count = clrs.Count()
textHeight = font18.GetOneLineHeight()
y = int(height / 2 - textHeight / 2)
for i = 0 to number - 1
bitmap = CreateObject("roBitmap", {width: width, height: height, AlphaEnable: false})
bitmap.Clear( clrs[j] )
i_str = i.ToStr()
str_w = font18.GetOneLineWidth(i_str, width)
x = int(width / 2 - str_w / 2)
bitmap.DrawText(i_str, x, y, &hFFFFFFFF, font18)
j = j + 1
if j >= count then j = 0
end for
return bitmaps
End Function
My Channels: 2D API Framework Presentation: https://owner.roku.com/add/2M9LCVC
Updated: 11-11-2015 - Completed Keyboard interface
The Joel Channel ( Final Beta )