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rolistscreen stuck

My application have two screens roListscreen and roGridscreen, once we select a item in rolistscreen it will lead to rogridscreen. in rogridscreen after selecting back button( if msg.isScreenClosed() return -1 end if) it is coming back to rolistscreen, but it is not selecting the other items of rolistscreen, it is stuck, it is scrolling up and down, but cant select items. please help me in this
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Binge Watcher

Re: rolistscreen stuck

Somehow, your gridscreen is not properly returning control to the calling function. If you post the if/then in your grid function and the bit of the ListScreen function that launches the grid, maybe we can see what is going on. Is there any component between the two that is shown?

- Joel
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Re: rolistscreen stuck

I experienced the same issue going from roGridScreen to roListScreen. When I hit the back arrow on the remote, it returned to the grid screen but all of the functionality was gone. I can scroll but not select anything.

My Fix, When listening to messages in the second screen...

elseif (msg.isScreenClosed()) then
print "List Closed"
exit while

I didn't have "exit while". After including this, I am returned to the previous screen and the functionality is there.
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