"RokuJoel" wrote:
That feature (the ability to read ID3 tags in a stream) is only available on devices running 5.2 firmware, which, right now is only the brand new devices we just released, probably the end of the month or so for the rest of our non-legacy hardware.
I'll see if I can find some example code to post.
- Joel
function testmetadata()
p = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
video = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")
videoclip = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
videoclip.StreamBitrates = [0]
if di.getDisplayType()="HDTV" then
videoclip.StreamQualities = ["HD"]
videoclip.StreamQualities = ["SD"]
end if
videoclip.StreamFormat = "hls"
video.SetTimedMetaDataForKeys( [ ] )
videoclip.StreamUrls = ["http://myvideo.com/video.m3u8"]
while true
msg = wait(0, video.GetMessagePort())
if type(msg) = "roVideoScreenEvent"
if msg.isTimedMetaData() then
timedMetaData = msg.GetInfo()
'adID = timedMetaData[“adID”]
'if adID <> invalid then
' adUrl = timedMetaData[“adUrl”]
' adSupplier = timedMetaData[“adSupplier”]
' adPTS = msg.GetIndex()
' Print "AD ID: ";adID
' Print "AD URL: ";adURL
' Print "AD Supplier:";adSupplier
' Print "AD PTS: ";adPTS
' SendAdTrackingToServer(adID, adUrl, adSupplier, adPTS)
'end if
else if msg.isScreenClosed() then
print "Closing video screen"
return -1
else if msg.isRequestFailed()
print "play failed: "; msg.GetMessage()
return -2
print "Unknown event: "; msg.GetType(); " msg: "; msg.GetMessage()
end if
end if
end while
end sub
"RokuJoel" wrote:
Untested example (since I don't have a working stream to check against at the moment). I've commented out the section that tries to extract a specific set of keys from the metadata and post them to a server.function testmetadata()
p = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
video = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")
videoclip = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
videoclip.StreamBitrates = [0]
if di.getDisplayType()="HDTV" then
videoclip.StreamQualities = ["HD"]
videoclip.StreamQualities = ["SD"]
end if
videoclip.StreamFormat = "hls"
video.SetTimedMetaDataForKeys( [ ] )
videoclip.StreamUrls = ["http://myvideo.com/video.m3u8"]
while true
msg = wait(0, video.GetMessagePort())
if type(msg) = "roVideoScreenEvent"
if msg.isTimedMetaData() then
timedMetaData = msg.GetInfo()
'adID = timedMetaData[“adID”]
'if adID <> invalid then
' adUrl = timedMetaData[“adUrl”]
' adSupplier = timedMetaData[“adSupplier”]
' adPTS = msg.GetIndex()
' Print "AD ID: ";adID
' Print "AD URL: ";adURL
' Print "AD Supplier:";adSupplier
' Print "AD PTS: ";adPTS
' SendAdTrackingToServer(adID, adUrl, adSupplier, adPTS)
'end if
else if msg.isScreenClosed() then
print "Closing video screen"
return -1
else if msg.isRequestFailed()
print "play failed: "; msg.GetMessage()
return -2
print "Unknown event: "; msg.GetType(); " msg: "; msg.GetMessage()
end if
end if
end while
end sub