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roVideoScreen CLOSE and OPEN for few second(0.5 second).

Subject: roVideoScreen CLOSE and OPEN for few second on hitting different url.

Before playing my video i am hitting URL which contains some Advertise(i mean first play Advertise then play video selected by user) in roVideoScreen.

Function playAdsVideo(Boolean value here)
m.myFullPlayer = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")
episode = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
episode["Streams"] = { url: m.ADvertisevideoUrl}
episode["StreamFormat"] = "mp4"

m.isLiveVideoPlay = true
episode = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
episode["Streams"] = { url: m.Selected_videoUrl}
episode["StreamFormat"] = "mp4"
end if

While true
msg = wait(0, port)
if type(msg) = "roVideoScreenEvent" then

print "Video playback has completed at end of content."
playAdsVideo(true) [b]REM***calling same function again for another url***[/b]
end if
end if

End While
End Function

If i am using same roVideoScreen for different url, then why it close for few second(a little bit as eye blink twice) when it goes to hit another url.

please share your views if anybody have any idea .
0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: roVideoScreen CLOSE and OPEN for few second(0.5 second).

If you make a black rocanvas or roscreen before you display the first videoplayer for your ad, then when the video ends the user will see black, then your videoscreen is shown for the content with the buffering bar and it will play.
(That will get rid of the flash you see)
Alternately, if you have the url for the ad and the url for the main content, you could send both pieces at once to the videoscreen/videoplayer so it uses them as a playlist with the buffer bar for each.
Generally, the first is the preferred way to do it - so the end user can't skip the ad, but they will be able to fast forward through the main content if they want to.
0 Kudos

Re: roVideoScreen CLOSE and OPEN for few second(0.5 second).

thanks destruk for reply.
if you have the url for the ad and the url for the main content, you could send both pieces at once to the videoscreen/videoplayer so it uses them as a playlist with the buffer bar for each.

actually i have two different StreamFormat (1) .mp4 (2) .hls(m3u8).
So how i should send both pieces at once?
So it will be my pleasure if you explain with short example.
0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: roVideoScreen CLOSE and OPEN for few second(0.5 second).

You can set the stream format individually for each piece of content in a playlist. It's part of the metadata for the content item along with the video title, description, thumbnail, url, etc.
0 Kudos

Re: roVideoScreen CLOSE and OPEN for few second(0.5 second).

Thanks destruk for sharing your views.
After several attemp i found that player on roku automattically close for a little bit time(before retrieving) during play another url whether it is inside in array as a playlist (as you suggested ). i have found a best solution for this a black canvas behind player . what you think about this is it good trick or bad idea? is there any channel in you knowledge on roku where videos are randomly playing one by one.
0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: roVideoScreen CLOSE and OPEN for few second(0.5 second).

If it works for you to remove the issue, it's great. 🙂
0 Kudos
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