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roUrlEvent headers but no response body

I am trying to http long poll a connection using a roUrlTransfer object, however it won't return a response body either synchronously or asynchronously.

I am calling AsyncGetString() then I can see from the header in the roUrlEvent that there is a response content-length: 24 so the response should be there.

<Component: roAssociativeArray> =
    access-control-allow-origin: "*"
    connection: "keep-alive"
    content-length: "24"
    content-type: "application/octet-stream"
    date: "Thu, 15 Dec 2016 08:50:01 GMT"
    set-cookie: "io=CFic4Wcp-sZN-o-JAAAQ; Path=/; HttpOnly"

(the response should be ÿ42["message","ok then"])

any ideas why it doesn't get filled? .GetString() on the roUrlEvent returns blank

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Roku Guru

Re: roUrlEvent headers but no response body

"shibuyashadows" wrote:
(the response should be ÿ42["message","ok then"])

What is this "ÿ" character you are using? Is it the two octets \xC3 \xBF (proper UTF8)?
len('42["message","ok then"]') = 23, so it seems that there is only 1 octet...

I am particularly suspicious of it because the symbol i see in my browser (y umlaut) has a code point U+00FF and if you transmitted that as a single byte \0xFF, nothing good will come out of it. 
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Re: roUrlEvent headers but no response body

Thanks for the reply!

The request itself is to a node.js socket, on which i call:

socket.emit('message', 'ok then');

the message is transmitted as ) (copied from running the same request in chrome and looking at the response body)

i wonder if i should be using an roStreamSocket for this?
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Roku Guru

Re: roUrlEvent headers but no response body

"shibuyashadows" wrote:
The request itself is to a node.js socket, on which i call:

umm, i don't know what the wire protocol of is... doesn't it use websockets? Roku doesn't do websockets.

the message is transmitted as ) (copied from running the same request in chrome and looking at the response body)

copy&paste from console can be misleading, can you get a hex dump of this - maybe WireShark/sniff the packet?

i wonder if i should be using an roStreamSocket for this?

nah. if worse comes to worst, you may have to use AsyncGetToFile() and then read that into roByteArray. <cringe>
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Re: roUrlEvent headers but no response body will use websockets if available, if not it will use polling.

In any case I was overthinking this, I abandoned trying to use and moved to traditional long polling with a message queue at the back-end and AsyncGetString calls in a message loop on the Roku side. Works a treat.

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Roku Guru

Re: roUrlEvent headers but no response body

Ah, bummer - so we may never know the mystery of "ÿ"  :mrgreen:

Make sure to use UTF8 encoding and no \0 (NUL) bytes and you are golden
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