Dear Roku Developers,
I've just executed the following code on my box:
dateTime = CreateObject("roDateTime")
print dateTime.asDateStringNoParam()
print dateTime.getHours().tostr()+":"dateTime.getMinutes().tostr()
------ Running ------
Friday March 18, 2011
but GMT date/time now is 24 April 4:11 pm !!!
I have problem with date and time on my box for several days. I did factory reset, I left my box running for more then 24 hours, did reset, changed connection from wired to wireless, changed time on my network router, .... - nothing helped.
Where does Roku take its time? Is that service up and functioning correct?
(I'm still using firmware 2.9)
Do you have any ideas how to fix the problem?
Thanks in advance!