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rendezvous style of registration

Hi to all,

I am new to ROKU development and i would like to know how to implement Rendezvous style registration. Can anyone please explain me in detail step by step process to implement rendezvous registration.

I went through the documentation and examples provided by ROKU. And i have developed a sample channel that make use of rendezvous registration.I would like to share what i have done and please give me suggestions weather i am correct or not.

ROKU code logic,
1. When the user enters into channel, the home screen will be displayed with a list of programs. when the user clicks/selects any of the programs on the home screen, Registration method gets called and checks weather user is registered or not. If user is not registered, Registration screen will be displayed prompting user, go to the website and enter activation code shown on the TV screen connected to your Roku box.

2. In Registration method what i have done is, (Subscription period of the user is 1 month)

a) First of all i am checking weather the device token for my channel is stored or not. If device token already exists (i.e user is registered) then i am checking the subscription period (i.e for one month, for subscription period checking i am calling a web service that checks expire status, weather user subscription period is over or not). If the user subscription period is not finished then the user is allowed to next screen else device registration token will be deleted from registry of my channel.
And if the token is not stored in registry (i.e user is not registered) then registration screen will be displayed with activation code (i.e the activation code is generated by web service), the user should go to the website and enter the activation code displayed on TV Screen, if user enters the activation code correctly, then in response the token will be sent to ROKU box and stored in registry.

Is the above mentioned process correct or not?
Please explain in detail about the Rendezvous style registration step by step.

Below i am enclosing the code, Please check;

'** Display the home screen and wait for events from
'** the screen. The screen will show retreiving while
'** we fetch and parse the feeds for the game posters
Function showHomeScreen(screen) As Integer

if validateParam(screen, "roPosterScreen", "showHomeScreen") = false return -1


while true
msg = wait(0, screen.GetMessagePort())
if type(msg) = "roPosterScreenEvent" then
if msg.isListFocused() then
print "list focused | index = "; msg.GetIndex(); " | category = "; m.curCategory
else if msg.isListItemSelected() then
registrationstatus = doRegistration()
if registrationstatus = 0 then
kid = m.Categories.Kids[msg.GetIndex()]
if kid.type = "special_category" then
end if
end if
else if msg.isScreenClosed() then
return -1
end if
end If
end while

return 0
End Function

Function doRegistration() As Integer
m.UrlBase = ""
m.UrlGetRegCode = m.UrlBase + "/getCode"
m.UrlGetRegResult = m.UrlBase + "/getRegToken"
m.UrlGetExpireStatus = m.UrlBase + "/AccountExpireStatus"
m.UrlWebSite = ""

m.RegToken = loadRegistrationToken()
expStatus = getAccountExpireStatus(m.RegToken)
if isLinked() then
if expStatus = "continue" then
return 0
else if expStatus = "terminate" then
end if

regscreen = displayRegistrationScreen()
while true
duration = 0
sn = GetDeviceESN()
regCode = getRegistrationCode(sn)
if regCode = "" then return 2
while true
status = checkRegistrationStatus(sn, regCode)
if status < 3 return status
getNewCode = false
retryInterval = getRetryInterval()
retryDuration = getRetryDuration()
while true
msg = wait(retryInterval * 1000, regscreen.GetMessagePort())
duration = duration + retryInterval
if msg = invalid exit while

if type(msg) = "roCodeRegistrationScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed()
'print "Screen closed"
return 1
elseif msg.isButtonPressed()
if msg.GetIndex() = 0
regscreen.SetRegistrationCode("retrieving code...")
getNewCode = true
exit while
if msg.GetIndex() = 1 return 1
end while

if duration > retryDuration exit while
if getNewCode exit while
end while
end while

End Function

'** display the registration screen in its initial state with the
'** text "retreiving..." shown. We'll get the code and replace it
'** in the next step after we have something onscreen for teh user
Function displayRegistrationScreen() As Object

regsite = "go to " + m.UrlWebsite
regscreen = CreateObject("roCodeRegistrationScreen")

regscreen.AddParagraph("movies contains premium movies. For instance access")
regscreen.AddFocalText(" ", "spacing-dense")
regscreen.AddFocalText("Visit and Click on ROKU movies Activation to", "spacing-dense")
regscreen.AddFocalText("enter this code :", "spacing-dense")
regscreen.SetRegistrationCode("retrieving code...")
regscreen.AddParagraph("This screen will automatically update as soon as your activation completes")
regscreen.AddButton(0, "Get a new code")
regscreen.AddButton(1, "Back")

return regscreen

End Function

'** Fetch the prelink code from the registration service. return
'** valid registration code on success or an empty string on failure
Function getRegistrationCode(sn As String) As String

if sn = "" then return ""

http = NewHttp(m.UrlGetRegCode)
http.AddParam("partner", "roku")
http.AddParam("deviceID", sn)
http.AddParam("deviceTypeName", "roku")

rsp = http.Http.GetToString()
xml = CreateObject("roXMLElement")
if not xml.Parse(rsp) then
return ""

if xml.GetName() <> "result"
return ""

if islist(xml.GetBody()) = false then
return ""
retryInterval = 30 'seconds
retryDuration = 900 'seconds (aka 15 minutes)
regCode = ""
for each e in xml.GetBody()
if e.GetName() = "regCode" then
regCode = e.GetBody() 'enter this code at website
elseif e.GetName() = "retryInterval" then
retryInterval = strtoi(e.GetBody())
elseif e.GetName() = "retryDuration" then
retryDuration = strtoi(e.GetBody())

if regCode = "" then
'Dbg("Parse yields empty registration code")

m.retryDuration = retryDuration
m.retryInterval = retryInterval
m.regCode = regCode

return regCode

End Function

'** Check the status of the registration to see if we've linked
'** Returns:
'** 0 - We're registered. Proceed.
'** 1 - Reserved. Used by calling function.
'** 2 - We're not registered. There was an error, abort.
'** 3 - We're not registered. Keep trying.
Function checkRegistrationStatus(sn As String, regCode As String) As Integer

http = NewHttp(m.UrlGetRegResult)
http.AddParam("partner", "roku")
http.AddParam("deviceID", sn)
http.AddParam("regCode", regCode)

print "checking registration status"

while true
rsp = http.Http.GetToString()
xml = CreateObject("roXMLElement")
if not xml.Parse(rsp) then
print "Can't parse check registration status response"
return 2

if xml.GetName() <> "result" then
print "unexpected check registration status response: ", xml.GetName()
return 2

if islist(xml.GetBody()) = true then
for each e in xml.GetBody()
if e.GetName() = "regToken" then
token = e.GetBody()

if token <> "" and token <> invalid then
print "obtained registration token: " + validstr(token)
saveRegistrationToken(token) 'commit it
m.RegistrationToken = token
return 0
return 3
elseif e.GetName() = "customerId" then
customerId = strtoi(e.GetBody())
elseif e.GetName() = "creationTime" then
creationTime = strtoi(e.GetBody())
end while

print "result: " + validstr(regToken) + " for " + validstr(customerId) + " at " + validstr(creationTime)

return 3

End Function

' The retryInterval is used to control how often we retry and
' check for registration success. its generally sent by the
' service and if this hasn't been done, we just return defaults
Function getRetryInterval() As Integer
if m.retryInterval < 1 then m.retryInterval = 30
return m.retryInterval
End Function

' The retryDuration is used to control how long we attempt to
' retry. this value is generally obtained from the service
' if this hasn't yet been done, we just return the defaults
Function getRetryDuration() As Integer
if m.retryDuration < 1 then m.retryDuration = 900
return m.retryDuration
End Function

'Load/Save RegistrationToken to registry

Function loadRegistrationToken() As dynamic
m.RegToken = RegRead("RegToken", "Authentication")
if m.RegToken = invalid then m.RegToken = ""
return m.RegToken
End Function

Sub saveRegistrationToken(token As String)
RegWrite("RegToken", token, "Authentication")
End Sub

Sub deleteRegistrationToken()
RegDelete("RegToken", "Authentication")
m.RegToken = ""
End Sub

Function isLinked() As Dynamic
if Len(m.RegToken) > 0 then return true
return false
End Function

'Show congratulations screen
Sub showCongratulationsScreen()
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
screen = CreateObject("roParagraphScreen")

screen.AddParagraph("You have successfully linked your Roku player to your account")
screen.AddParagraph("Select 'start' to begin.")
screen.AddButton(1, "start")

while true
msg = wait(0, screen.GetMessagePort())

if type(msg) = "roParagraphScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed()
'print "Screen closed"
exit while
else if msg.isButtonPressed()
'print "Button pressed: "; msg.GetIndex(); " " msg.GetData()
exit while
'print "Unknown event: "; msg.GetType(); " msg: "; msg.GetMessage()
exit while
end while
End Sub

'** Fetch the status of the account validity
Function getAccountExpireStatus(sn As String) As String

if sn = "" then return ""

http = NewHttp(m.UrlGetExpireStatus)
http.AddParam("regtoken", sn)

rsp = http.Http.GetToString()
xml = CreateObject("roXMLElement")
'print "GOT: " + rsp
'print "Reason: " + http.Http.GetFailureReason()

if not xml.Parse(rsp) then
'print "Can't parse getAccountExpireStatus response"
return ""

if xml.GetName() <> "result"
'Dbg("Bad expire response: ", xml.GetName())
return ""

if islist(xml.GetBody()) = false then
'Dbg("No expire information available")
return ""

'handle validation of response fields
for each e in xml.GetBody()
if e.GetName() = "Expirestatus" then
expireStatus = e.GetBody()

if expireStatus = "" then
'Dbg("Parse yields empty registration code")

return expireStatus

End Function

'Registry Helper Functions
Function RegRead(key, section=invalid)
if section = invalid then section = "Default"
sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
if sec.Exists(key) then return sec.Read(key)
return invalid
End Function

Function RegWrite(key, val, section=invalid)
if section = invalid then section = "Default"
sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
sec.Write(key, val)
sec.Flush() 'commit it
End Function

Function RegDelete(key, section=invalid)
if section = invalid then section = "Default"
sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
End Function
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Re: rendezvous style of registration

We recently put up a blog post on this topic. See if it helps: ... e-account/
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