I use the same source code for all of my Roku channels. Whenever I update my source code I also overwrite the existing source code in all of my channels. The only differences between the channels are the images and xml feeds. I just finished updating all of my channels with the latest source code and discovered that they all had access to the same registry entries. My understanding of the Roku registry was that each channel was allocated 16kb of storage and all of the channel specific entries were isolated from other channels. Unfortunately as I discovered today that is not the case. This has the potential of being a very significant security risk. Let's say that your channel retrieves a user name and password from the registry with the following code.
Function getStrValFromReg(keyname As String, section As String) As String
reg = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
if reg.Exists(keyname) then
return reg.Read(keyname)
return ""
End Function
username = getStrValFromReg("username", "profile")
password = getStrValFromReg("password", "profile")
There's a good chance that another channel may also use a "profile" section and a "username" or "password" key. If the channel's registry isn't concealed from other channels then that private information in the registry could be accessed by ANY channel. Are the registry entries supposed to be accessible by any channel?