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paragraph not splitting as sentences..

i am using roRegex component for splitting the description paragraph into strings by using ". " as the delimiter.But i am getting a weird output.Can somebody help please..?

if valid(videodesc)
SplitDesc = CreateObject("roRegex",". ", "")
if SplitDesc.IsMatch(videodesc)
FinalDesc =""
print "contains :";regex
print "description: ";videodesc
descCase = SplitDesc.split(videodesc)
print "no of sentences :";descCase.Count()
for each descript in descCase
print "each sentence :";descript
' FinalDesc = FinalDesc + descript
end for
' videodesc = FinalDesc

print "no matching expression found.."
end if


description: The full feature documentary of Indie Game: The Movie with clean audio and visuals. Audio swears omitted and potentially offending images and swear
s on screen blurred. The Super Clean version is also available in a handy, gift-able DVD form: ... -the-movie

no of sentences : 40
each sentence :Th
each sentence :ful
each sentence :featur
each sentence :documentar
each sentence 😮
each sentence :Indi
each sentence :Game
each sentence :Th
each sentence :Movi
each sentence :wit
each sentence :clea
each sentence :audi
each sentence :an
each sentence :visuals
each sentence :Audi
each sentence :swear
each sentence :omitte
each sentence :an
each sentence :potentiall
each sentence :offendin
each sentence :image
each sentence :an
each sentence :swear
each sentence 😮
each sentence :scree
each sentence :blurred
each sentence :Th
each sentence :Supe
each sentence :Clea
each sentence :versio
each sentence :i
each sentence :als
each sentence :availabl
each sentence :i
each sentence :
each sentence :handy
each sentence :gift-abl
each sentence :DV
each sentence :form
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Community Streaming Expert

Re: paragraph not splitting as sentences..

In a regular expression, . matches any character. You need to escape the period. I think you want (untested:)
SplitDesc = CreateObject("roRegex","\. ", "")

You may want to look into the Tokenize function:
lines = videodesc.tokenize(".")
for each line in lines
print line.trim()
end for

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Re: paragraph not splitting as sentences..

"renojim" wrote:
In a regular expression, . matches any character. You need to escape the period. I think you want (untested:)
SplitDesc = CreateObject("roRegex","\. ", "")

You may want to look into the Tokenize function:
lines = videodesc.tokenize(".")
for each line in lines
print line.trim()
end for


It was a great information, Renojim. Thanks a bunch.
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