help with being able to open individual category in grid screen
New SG
Function Init() Print"[GridScreen] Init""RowList")"Description")"Background")"visible","onVisibleChange")"focusedChild","OnFocusedChildChange") End Function 'handler of focused item in RowList Sub OnItemFocused() 'When an item gains the key focus, set to a 2-element array, 'where element 0 contains the index of the focused row, 'and element 1 contains the index of the focused item in that row. If itemFocused.Count()=2[0]).getChild(itemFocused[1]) If focusedContent<>invalid m.description.content=focusedContent m.background.uri=focusedContent.hdBackgroundImageUrl End If End If End Sub 'set proper focus to RowList in case if return from Details Screen Sub onVisibleChange() If m.rowList.setFocus(TRUE) End If End Sub 'set proper focus to RowList in case if return from Details Screen Sub OnFocusedChildChange() If And Not m.rowList.hasFocus() m.rowList.setFocus(TRUE) End If End Sub
Sub showMoviesScreen() ' Configura el Grid screen = CreateObject("roGridScreen") port = CreateObject("roMessagePort") screen.SetMessagePort(port) screen.SetDisplayMode("scale-to-fill") screen.SetGridStyle("flat-movie") screen.SetDescriptionVisible(true) screen.SetBreadcrumbEnabled(true) generos_list = getCategoryListMovies() categoryList = CreateObject("roArray",generos_list.count(),false) for each titles in generos_list categoryList.Push( titles ) end for screen.setupLists(categoryList.count()) screen.SetListNames(categoryList) screen.ClearMessage() categoryLoaded = CreateObject("roArray",categoryList.count(),false) next_page_to_load = CreateObject("roArray",categoryList.count(),false) for i = 0 to categoryList.count() - 1 if i<=1 then 'print "Primera carga de "+generos_list[i] category_items = getMoviesByCategory(generos_list[i]) screen.SetContentList(i, category_items) else category_items = Invalid end if categoryLoaded.Push( category_items ) next_page_to_load.Push( 2 ) end for screen.ClearMessage() while (true) msg = wait(250, port) if msg <> invalid and type(msg) = "roGridScreenEvent" then row = msg.GetIndex() col = msg.getData() if msg.isScreenClosed() then exit while else if msg.isStatusMessage() mensaje = msg.getMessage() status = msg.GetIndex() else if msg.isPlaybackPosition() nowpos = msg.GetIndex() print "Tiempo conectado: "; nowpos else if msg.isListItemFocused() print "Focused msg: ";msg.GetMessage();" row: ";msg.GetIndex(); print " col: ";msg.GetData() ' Comprueba si debe leer las categorías if categoryLoaded[row]=Invalid then loadCategoryMovies(screen,row,categoryLoaded,generos_list) end if if (row+1)<categoryLoaded.count() and categoryLoaded[row+1]=Invalid then loadCategoryMovies(screen,row+1,categoryLoaded,generos_list) end if else if msg.isListItemSelected() print "Selected msg: ";msg.GetMessage();"row: ";msg.GetIndex(); showSpringboardScreenMovies(categoryLoaded[row] , col) else print "Unexpected msg type: "; msg.GetType() print "mensaje: "; msg.getMessage() end if end if end while End Sub Function getCategoryListMovies() as object http = NewHTTP(Servidor()+"/categorias.php") http.AddParam("t", "peliculas") response= http.GetToStringWithTimeout(90) json = ParseJSON(response) return json End Function Function getMoviesByCategory(category) serial = GetDeviceESN() http = NewHTTP(Servidor()+"/movie.php") http.AddParam("cat", category) http.AddParam("serial", serial) response= http.GetToStringWithTimeout(90) json = ParseJSON(response) itemlist = CreateObject("roArray",json.Videos.count(),false) for each parsed_item in json.Videos itemlist.Push( parsed_item ) end for return itemlist End Function Function loadCategoryMovies(screen, row , categoryLoaded, generos_list) categoryLoaded[row] = getMoviesByCategory(generos_list[row]) screen.SetContentList(row, categoryLoaded[row]) screen.ClearMessage() End Function
How can I do the same to avoid so much waiting when loading the content
please help
Hi @xoceunder,
Have you looked at our master sample channel in GitHub. This is a good resource for creating a grid screen and then launching content from it.
Take a look at the following samples:
Grid Screen:
Video Player:
I am using that same example but my idea is to load 2 category and each time I select a category I load 2 more
Hello! Let's try to resolve your question! In preparation for escalation, please let me know what you hoped would happen and what actually happened. Thanks for the source code that you have already provided and please include more if that would be helpful to direct our attention to the problem area. Once I have this information in hand, I can discuss it with our engineering team; I'll let you know their observations and recommendations.
Awaiting your response; James
thank you very much
So you could implement logic that gets the next two category rows from the roUrltransfer object when the user navigates down. You may want to take a look at our threading documentation.
I am doing practice and making an implement for the new operation so I would have a suggestion of how I could do it, thanks with your help