"dynamitemedia" wrote:
why don't you just try to learn brightscript? i also learned(?) using notepad and the debugger.
seems like your wasting more time trying to automate it or find an easier way then actually learn it. wouldn't be more effective learning brightscript and then learn how to automate it?
Separate issues. I think you'll find many professional and amateur coders will agree that using a source code editor can make you more productive, regardless of the language being used. I'll crib from
wikipedia's article:
Source code editors have features specifically designed to simplify and speed up input of source code, such as syntax highlighting, autocomplete and bracket matching functionality. These editors also provide a convenient way to run a compiler, interpreter, debugger, or other program relevant for software development process. So, while many text editors can be used to edit source code, if they don't enhance, automate or ease the editing of code, they are not "source code editors," but simply "text editors that can also be used to edit source code."
Learning the language is clearly extremely important as well. But what manoflinux is doing here isn't only for himself. Once he completes his goal, anyone who uses the kate editor should have an easier time beginning with brightscript.
As an example of what source editors can do: Winamp has a scripting language for skinning, called Maki. Years ago, I created syntax highlighting rules files for Maki code for the Windows editor Crimson Editor, and submitted them to the Crimson Editor developer, who put them into the official releases. Now you can open up any maki script in crimson editor and have syntax highlighting making objects, methods, strings and constants stand out from one another. This makes it much easier to read the code, especially if it's someone else's code you aren't yet familiar with. I thought about doing the same for Brightscript, but Crimson Editor is kind of a dead project (although even without any major new features in several years, it's still very good ) and I don't think I could get the syntax files included in it like I did for Maki. I suppose I could host them and give people instructions on how to install them manually.
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