Yet another bug of the web Channel Store - it insists that an already purchased channel has to be paid for again!
Steps to reproduce:
- Purchase a (upfront) paid channel from your player or web store
- Delete the app from the player. At this point we know that once paid for, the app is forever owned and can be re-downloaded for free - akin to iOS/etc app stores.
- Go to to re-download the app. Huh, it says i need to pay again:
- Maybe it was confused / did not check when loading the details page. Let's continue... it's serious, says $ will be charged to the account:
- Click "Buy" - channel gets installed. There is no charge. Check with WTF1 and WTF2 again - the web store has lied to us!
The player store does not exhibit that buggy behavior - the details page for the same (previously purchased) app says "Add (free)".