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Roku Guru

Where are the SDK Makefiles?

After year(s) hiatus looking at BrightScript, i returned back trying the SDK examples and i see we should look for latest code on (RokuJoel said so in forum and Dev.Guide examples list points there)

So i did download example zips but the makefiles are missing? Not in the ZIPs i looked and not in the code trunk either. I do remember there were makefiles at the time of single monolithic-zip SDK - and the Dev Guide says so ( ... thechannel 😞
7.3 Using the Makefile to "Side-Load" the channel
The SDK examples include Makefiles that can automate the steps needed to install the channel. The Makefiles use the ROKU_DEV_TARGET environment variable to know the ip address of the Roku box to install on. Instead of following the steps in 7.2, you could use the Makefile from a shell like so:
% cd <sdk>/examples/source/videoplayer
% make install

What am i missing?

PS. i have no intention of using Eclipse as IDE for Roku, make/bash worked fine last time i had them.
Channel Surfer

Re: Where are the SDK Makefiles?

This blog post has a link to a zip with the latest examples and makefile ( in the examples\source folder): ... velopment/
My Channels: - Twitter: @TheEndlessDev
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Roku Guru

Re: Where are the SDK Makefiles?

"TheEndless" wrote:
This blog post has a link to a zip with the latest examples and makefile ( in the examples\source folder): ... velopment/

Thanks... but all example ZIPs there are circa 2012-01-06, which is 2 years old - and all examples on SourceForge are newer than that - yet miss makefiles.

@Roku*, what is the definitive source to get current, working, complete examples?

In the mean time, this is a simple `run` script i whipped (run from project's parent directory):
# build
cd "$1"
zip -FS -9 -r ../bundle *
cd ..

# deploy
curl --user rokudev:nuisance --anyauth -sS -F "mysubmit=Install" -F "" -F "passwd=" http://$ROKU_DEV_TARGET/plugin_install | grep -Po '(?<=<font color="red">).*' | sed 's/<\/font>//'

I commend the
  • "-FS" zip switch (makes "re-build" much faster) and it also "cleans" previous project left-overs

  • "--anyauth" in curl (vs the blog suggested running curl no auth, checking for 401 and running second time --digest). The problem we are solving: --digest does not work on fw3; --anyauth works everywhere
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Channel Surfer

Re: Where are the SDK Makefiles?

"EnTerr" wrote:
"TheEndless" wrote:
This blog post has a link to a zip with the latest examples and makefile ( in the examples\source folder): ... velopment/

Thanks... but all example ZIPs there are circa 2012-01-06, which is 2 years old - and all examples on SourceForge are newer than that - yet miss makefiles.

The zip files may be old, but the file in the examples\source folder and all of the example source folders were updated in late September 2013, and work with the newly secured dev site. The makefiles for each specific project are all pretty much the same (just a different APPNAME) and refer back up to the, so they don't need to be updated and should work with all of the examples on SourceForge as well (as long as you have the updated file in the parent folder).

EDIT: That's also the same SDK file you can download from the official Developer site (
My Channels: - Twitter: @TheEndlessDev
Instant Watch Browser (NetflixIWB), Aquarium Screensaver (AQUARIUM), Clever Clocks Screensaver (CLEVERCLOCKS), iTunes Podcasts (ITPC), My Channels (MYCHANNELS)
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