So apparently ROKU doesn’t really care. So I think I will switch platforms. So sad because overall I find that this is an easier platform to use. You should listen to us and enable screen rotation. It’s not like you aren’t making money!!
How about now...... 12 years later?
Wow, I'll be sure to post my reviews.
Aaaaand 13 years later
I tried read WEBTOONs on my iPad, screenshared. Comics are just better vertically, and the app is vertical only. I hate how the ROKU tv displays the verticalness on a horizontal orientation.
At this point I should just give others a heads up on that there is indeed screenshare, but no vertical orientation.
Read on google, basically not even planning to add orientation, that their focus is on streaming media. How about displaying streamed media??? That should be part of the focus.
This defective feature is very disapointing Time to move away from Roku.
So stupid they still haven’t made portrait orientation mode still. Don’t they care about their customers satisfaction. I’m furious and will not be buying any more Roku products
So many Roku users have for so many years been asking about Roku not automatically rotating portrait videos to landscape!!
When are these bozod just going to fix this?